Enjoy 11 of the most heartwarming rescues we’ve covered.
All animals deserve love ❤️
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We Love Animals is a part of Newsner, a digital news platform. We tell inspiring and heartwarming stories from all around on the world.
On We Love Animals we love all animals! We share stories to promote kindness and compassion toward animals. We share videos of fascinating wildlife to show you their beauty. We tell stories about rehabilitation, adoption, fostering, and rescue.
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Such an amazing story. Imagine these beautiful cows stuck in the farming industry. I'm so happy for her. Thanks❤😊
I've seen this story before but I had to watch it again. I just love it Thank you for what you do ❤❤❤
cycle of exploitation? stupid video
These are my favorite stories❤
It makes you become a vegetarian❤
This amazing story shows me once again Animals NEVER forget their rescuers!!! 😇😇😇😇😇😇😍🥰🌹
That was beautiful 😻
Love love ❤❤❤
They may have known each other some point in their life
Awe Helen and Margaret are so sweet. I love how you say on a beautiful day they sit and gaze out. Oh no their not. Their talking about the beautiful humans that brought them to paradise ❤.
These humans are heros
Beautiful ⚘️💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
♥️God Bless your heart for taking in a 3rd puppy♥️
♥️ God Bless you for rescuing Chicken♥️
♥️Thank God you found the beautiful big doggy & saved his beautiful life ♥️
♥️Baby Deer beautiful story ♥️
♥️Doggy & Kitty story is absolutely adorable ♥️
All these loving people who help all these animals are just wonderful angels bless them all love and hugs to all the animals All that you all do you all sent to this planet to do the work lightworkers you all are.
Ty she has a good home now
Beautiful stories ❤️
Its beautiful thing what you did for Nala and the orange tabby was a Gods gift for Nala
Yes ..im crying too,its a joyful cry for sure.
I didn't see any thing heartwarming about your video, these animal videos are not about the animal they are about you trying to look good
WONDERFUL !!!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤
If there was no need for chimp pets he would still be with his family……….wrong. He would have been killed along with his mom for bush meat.
Thank you!❤❤❤❤❤
10 seconds in and I'm in love, She's so beautiful. Love animals sooo much. Have a feral cat that comes for breakfast 4.30 every morning and snuggles up on my bed for an hour or so. I live in a caravan and leave the door open for her all night, Bit cold but she warms my heart. Chicken is adorable, They all are
Brilliant video – many, many thanks for uploading !
Thank you for saving her
La mucca e' un animale sacro
Helen and Margaret are awesome. I am almost 80 and every dog I have ever owned was a rescue. I even rescued a dog in Vietnam that a MamaSon had tied up and was going to eat.. I loved that dog but she died in an attack two weeks before I rotated back. I cried. My current dog, I smuggled and rescued from the streets of Tijuana, Mexico. she is alot like Nick, her name is TJ. All these stories are tear jerkers. Viewed from California, USA
THANK YOU GOD..for loving people like this, I would not think of rescuing an old Milk cow, but so thankful there are people like you that think to do this, you aren’t making money off her, just giving her FREEDOM , LOVE, and HAPPINESS 🙏
My uncle had a dairy in California and I would visit and watch the milking and see the little calves caged for veal. Disgusting! All animals FEEL and love attention. We need to stop eating them! This video shows the love ❤️
Love this ❤
beautiful families
God Bless all the people who Help these ANIMALS ❤️🙏
Thank you for sharing this beautiful video. So happy for both of the cow (girls) becoming best friends & living such a great life!
Thank you for saving them from slaughter. It seems so unfair that dairy cows get used their whole life, and them sent to slaughter in the end. Thank you. ❤️
22:36 what a happy story! Love your weakness for a needy dog! Love you man! ❤❤
My husbands parents had a cow that had a calf at 28😊
We are so undeserving of this planet…we are only guests and yet we abuse it daily..