Get your own mouth guard: http://amzn.to/2nejjIO More Self Defense Guides: https://www.fighttips.com I share a quick fight story of …
Get your own mouth guard: http://amzn.to/2nejjIO More Self Defense Guides: https://www.fighttips.com I share a quick fight story of …
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Legendary video this
Just curious but how much did this vid makeover 11 years? 5.6 million views as of today.
Top 10 stories that didnt happen. Look how much detail he put in this story and eyes moving side-to-side; telltale signs of liar
Anyone Here in 2024?
Invisalign street fighter edition, there's money to be made there.
Your childhood is literally bully the game
I had a back In forth conversation with some dude in school 2003 I remember all I said I keep a mouth piece for dudes like you the dude walk off lmao😂
Its always the people with stories like these who end up devoting their life to martial arts, atleast it feels like it
1. Don't get in one
2. Make sure there's a witness
3. Call cops.
4. Run
5. If they hit you they'll get charged but you won't.
The best way to win a fist fight is with a sword…#facts
Moral of the story: wear both a mouthguard AND a cup. If you get hit in the face with you're mouthguard on, everyone will think you're invincible. If someone kicks you in the balls and hurts their leg you can say "I have balls of steel 😎"
Just suck his d. N you'll win.
And just like that, a school fight becomes a neighbourhood war that can spiral into decades long gang violence. When you're young and dumb, anything can happen to you, no matter who you are you social standing, your economic background, or your ethnicity. Racists who like to demonise specific groups of people with pejorative remarks about being "inherently violent" "genetically predisposed to criminality" or "having low impulse control" will hate videos like this one.
Most of the people in this comment section missed the whole point of the video
It looks cold as shit wherever you are
Growing up in the 70's there were racial riots in school almost every day due bussing blacks to white schools, it was good fight education for defending against multiple attackers with weapons at once. There are better mouth gaurds on amazon than the one in the description, get one that is BPA free.
Pepper spray, motorcycle armor, steel toes, and tear gas goggles. U can literally 1v3 even if all the attackers carry knives using this load out.
Brass knuckles to the mouth
He’s a YouTube legend now
God Bless
Jesus Christ loves us so much that he died on the cross for our sins
Jesus Christ is coming back soon. Repent from your sins, accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, have Faith that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and that he rose from the dead 3 days later, spread the Gospel, Pray, go to Church, have Faith, keep having a good relationship with God, keep having Faith, and God loves you so much and so do I.
I could see having that mouth piece in sending war signals to every nerve in my body