GoPro Near Death Experiences

GoPro Near Death Experiences
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About the Author: The Real Gonzalo


  1. Recovering from same kind of incident ! So blessed to be alive all i can say is atleast you werent knocked unconscious like me still cant sit up or lay down properly but i figure ill be back on the road next season ride safe brothers ❤

  2. My best friend died 2 weeks ago from this same exact shit ik accidents happen but shits not okay i had to hold my closest friends hand while they pulled life support learn to fucking drive people

  3. How fast were you doing? About 80? This is why I don't excessively speed, personally. This would have been 100% avoidable if you were going 45.

    I can't control what other drivers are going to do and the faster I'm going the harder is it to react appropriately in time to avoid a collision.

    I tend to view my life as worth more than doubling the speed limit.

  4. she definitelyyyyy had to chugg up a nice sum of money for this guy without a doubt, especially with that audi a8. no money are worth these things but id sure get every penny i could out from her and make her regret this for the rest of her life.

  5. I'm guessing that had a man been the perpetrator here, he would get 10 years minimum. But as it's a woman… just a slap on the wrist. The double standard is bat-shit crazy. Also, from what I've read this moron got another DUI 30 days later, so yeah, I'm sure that almost killing this man had a huge impact on her mindset. Smdh.

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