Near-death experience guest 1354 is Eda Hinkova, who had an NDE experience due to hypothermia. During her near death experience she emerged with God.
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Thanks for having me Jeff! I enjoyed this interview. I’d like to share on more thing! I am on the journey of healing and ascension so I spoke from that perspective. I believe in free will. I dont think we HAVE to do things…. This NDE showed that my soul wants to do these things. And even without the NDE I would have chosen this road because it makes me feel lighter.
She made up her story and now shes in the comment section promoting her channel.
Thhank you for sharing.
I don’t buy it
🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 She passed out.. People don't "freeze to death" after getting out of a hot tub a minute or two earlier. Oh my god… The epic cheesiest in this not real nde is overwhelming. Shame on this channel for promoting this woman. You need to vet these people better. The ex said your heart stopped but he was too scared to call the ambulance??? 😂😂😂🤣🤣
This entire thing is a giant LIE
– I am raped
– I cannot fathom the reality of my tortured hell-ish despicable disastrous life: only full of rape and torture and suffering
– is God a cunt? An asshole? A sadist? Is he powerless? Does he not exist?
She just does not sound genuine to me. Not GENUINE. Seeking fame
Boring and fake
So she died just a couple minutes after getting out the jacuzzi?
Jeff, I'd love to share the experiences that I've had. They have been both myriad and hair-raising. I've always been objective and analytical. These anecdotes have left me with the conclusion that the preternatural and God are very real.
She's lying.
I think this is a great conversation. I think she’s down to earth and she’s just speaking from her heart. There is no made up story She is speaking feelings.
Until you have a NDE, you can't speculate and use words logic language to figure out what the experience actually is. It's a deeply powerful transformation of conscious awareness, but Not for a person, or the illusion of a Personal point of view. You actually become the conscious awareness of the entire Universe, and want to share this message with everyone. I know this because of a NDE i experienced so to say in words. I'd be happy to be a guest on a podcast and share my experience ❤
Thank you for this podcast. Eda sounded sincere and she was allowed to talk with minimal interruptions. Though the death experience sounded different from the ones I'm used to, the effects on her were uplifting and straightforward (simple and not exaggerated). I wish her well in her future.
Groan….we all get to re-experience feelings of failure surrounding geometry, trigonometry, algebra, calculus, and any other exams where we didn't do well. And also the classical feelings of others that we have hurt, both intentionally and unintentionally. Not looking forward to this.
I wish i could die so can see the after life i need to see the truth
Great video 💙💛❤💚💜 always a like 👍👍
You are very beautiful
A song for Hinkova:
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Hallo België. Blij om hier eens een belg te zien. Tenzij je franstalig bent. Ik luister heel vaak naar de Jeff Mara podcast. Grtjes uit West-vlaanderen. ❤
Hi Jeff, Thank you for featuring Eda on your podcast. I'm hoping you'll explore the topic of spiritual awakenings further, particularly their connection to Near-Death Experiences. I've had both – an NDE in my early 20s and, just six months ago, a profound awakening, marked by intense physical and spiritual experiences like vibrations, internal light displays, and more. I've hesitated to share this even with close family due to concerns about their reactions. I'm deeply curious about several aspects NDEs and Awakenings – Is there a correlation between having an NDE and later experiencing an awakening? Prevalence and Meaning – How common are awakenings? What is their significance? Correlations – Are there connections to profession? e.g., are creative individuals like artists and musicians more prone to these experiences? Physical Experiences – What are the typical physical manifestations during an awakening? How long do these and the intense spiritual symptoms usually last? Sense of Preparation – Do others feel like they're being prepared for something? Possible ET Contact – Have others experienced what felt like attempted ET contact during their awakening process? I had such an experience, which prompted me to pray for protection. I believe your insightful interviewing skills could shed light on these experiences. Thank you for your work. Best- Cindy
Jeff, you told Chris Bledsoe you want to have him back on cuz you weren’t able to ask some questions. I think it’s a good time to get him back on don’t you?!!!
Go back! And here you are telling the story!
No wonder he's an ex 🙄
Thanks Jeff
This is not the first time I’ve heard about the bubbles! I think it was Nanci Danison’s experience! Awesome!
Jeff Mara is the Rick Steves of NDE.
The experience she talks about at 18.50 I had the same experience.
So she died from hypothermia from stepping out of a hot tub , come on
Then her boyfriend didnt call the paramedics because he waz scared what ?
To anyone reading this, I pray that the painful memories that bring you to tears will be replaced with new relief and joy. May God touch your heart, heal your wounds, and help you believe that tomorrow will be better. You deserve His love and peace. Amen.
Jeff, can we perhaps moderate this individual @Tracer7898. Not sure if its a bot or troll but he appears to be harassing your audience comments if you dig through them. He wants to fight anyone who believes in anything other than his bible. He dropped some hateful words to one comment, you can find them under @Miramisu's comment thread below. Thank you and have a good day 🙏
CTo know your Father better Google D H Groberg's The Race, video on utube
I admit I have doubts about people who have used drugs and smoked marijuana and drank alcohol.
Thank you 💕
Wow, what a fast way to die lol. Great interview. I love that , " when one finger poi0ints at someone , three fingers point at yourself. I think you's be a good coach Ada. You're gentle and kind but have a firmness to your words
Something with her story doesn’t seem right, sorry