Millennials vs Generation Z And Other Generations Compared (Compilation)

Millennials vs Generation Z And Other Generations Compared (Compilation)
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0:00:00 Millennials vs Generation Z – How Do They Compare & What’s the Difference?
0:05:54 How Does Millennial Generation Date Compared to Generation X?
0:14:52 Every Generation Explained in 10 minutes
0:25:30 YOU vs BOOMER
0:37:06 Why This Generation Will Have More Serial Killers Than Ever
0:44:29 Is It Better To Have Young or Old Parents?
0:52:46 10 Things Old People Say they Regret Never Doing In Their Life
1:00:38 You vs People Your Age (How Do You Compare to Others)
1:10:18 Why People In Old Movies and Radio Shows Talk so Weird
1:20:09 Why Are These People Aging Faster Than Normal
1:29:09 Why Are You An Adult At Age 18?
1:37:18 New Evidence Shows Life Sucks And It’s Because Of Your Childhood (Attachment Theory)
1:48:50 How Has Life Changed For Teenagers Over The Last Century?
2:04:49 Are You Different Than An Average Teen?
2:11:42 Verdict Is In: These Are The Hardest Years Of Your Life!

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All videos are based on publicly available information unless otherwise noted.


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  1. Im an older millenial. What makes me sad is the new generation of kids will never meet a WW2 veteran. When i was a kid there were a lot of them around but they were pretty old even then. it seems like i dont see them anymore.

  2. Multi-tasking? LOL Dude, all research on multi-tasking shows reduced performance. It's not a plus for Gen Z. And how can you reconcile "prefers to work independently, not collaborate" for Gen Z and "prefers to communicate face to face at work"? Those two don't mesh at all. Something's wrong with that research. Or they're lying and they don't prefer face to face at all, Heck what happened to "Gen Z suffers crippling rates of social anxiety" I heard for years? Doesn't square with Yay for in person work chat. Sheesh

  3. Eh, to be fair, Boomers ate a big poo sandwich during the Great Recession of 2009. Many were wiped out financially, even those white Christian boomers you are referring to.

  4. Eh, to be fair, Boomers ate a big crap sandwich during the Great Recession of 2009. Many were wiped out financially, even those white Christian boomers you are referring to.

  5. WW2 was terrible but it’s the one war because my uncle was never brought home and they never found his body that I’m interested in the most. My grandma never talked about him so I didn’t know anything about him until I was in high school.

  6. That’s where I as a millennial am the same as Gen Z. I’d rather work on things myself and have my own space. I will work with people who ACTUALLY believe in team work but many jobs I’ve had my experience is people say they work as a team but they really want you to do everything

  7. the choice paradox is fascinating to me: growing up in a poor country with limited access to anything was a struggle (thats what i thought), I didng have wifi, i only had tv and radio. i used to record stuff from tv to usb stick and play it on my laptop over and over again in my college room, i did that for several years, thinking i wish i had more choice, i wish i had more access to things, i wish i could stream a movie i want to watch and stuff. Finally in 2010s i moved to a western country and finally i had access to everything i ever wanted. intially it was great but very quickly i got so consumed with “choice”, that i ended up very unfulfilled, everything seemed so rushed because there was so many things to experience and try. both technology and dating. the other day i found my old usb with everything i had recorded back in the days, i remember how those few things i had gave me more joy than all of the access that followed later. nowdays i still get lost in choice but i control it lof better than 10 years ago. maybe sometimes less is indeed better. but tbh i dont feel too nostalgic for the old days. im happy technology is going forward, we just need to control it, not the other way around

  8. A was the last generation to run around the streets as a youngster and go round for ur friend and chap there doors after school! The good old days

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