TOTAL IDIOTS AT WORK #28 | Fails of the week | Instant regret compilation 2024
Welcome to a side-splitting journey through the workplace, where bumbling fools turn everyday tasks into laugh-out-loud disasters. Kick back and let these hilarious scenes redefine what it means to have a “bad day” at work, transforming it into a can’t-miss comedy show.
This compilation is packed with epic fails and instant regrets, making it the perfect choice for some good old family fun on the TV. Watch as these workplace clowns master the art of messing up, turning ordinary blunders into an absolute laugh riot.
So, gather the family, cozy up on the couch, and get ready for an hour of non-stop laughter as these fools at work deliver the giggles. Ready? Set? Let’s go!
02:34 idiots at work
13:45 instant regret fails
26:21 fails compilation
37:19 total idiots at work
✅ Playlist:
★★ Total Idiots At Work: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb3SlQb0_PwoS0MzQZd3ZlYtpEwjemsFl
★★ Bad day at work: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb3SlQb0_Pwr5A-S0h2LB-6Qb2mfZz_5k
★★ 1 Hour of Total Idiots at Work: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb3SlQb0_Pwq0azEa7x8iKanHfSeqRboT
Video Total Idiots at Work are for educational and entertainment purposes; all content complies with YouTube guidelines, and no one was injured in the making of these videos.
Copyright Disclaimer:
The material in this video was collected from many places. It belongs to people and organizations who deserve to be respected.
Copyright Disclaimer Under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that uses.
For copyright matters, please contact us at: contact.top5instantregret@gmail.com
Thanks for watching!
#idiotsatwork #instantregrets #fails #top5
Thrilled to share my latest creation with you all! Thank you everyone. 🤩😍😍 TOTAL IDIOTS AT WORK #28 | Fails of the week | Instant regret compilation 2024
He thought he could play the guitar and realized it was upside down.
When total idiots at work asked if "Bluetooth" is a dental problem.
She attempted to open an umbrella indoors and got stuck in the door.
Watching total idiots at work try to use a pizza box as a mouse pad is just peak creativity.
Total idiots at work tried to install a shelf upside down and called it "modern art."
He tried to impress his crush with a joke but ended up laughing alone.
Total idiots at work used duct tape to "fix" a broken chair and then fell off it.
He attempted to whistle but sounded like a squeaky door.
Watching total idiots at work draw on a whiteboard with a permanent marker is priceless.
She thought she could dance in heels and ended up crawling off the dance floor.
Total idiots at work used a glue stick to "seal" an envelope and blamed the postman for it opening.
Total idiots at work brought a hammer to "fix" a stuck drawer.
She tried to hide her candy stash but forgot where she hid it.
When total idiots at work mistook the fire alarm for a light switch.
She thought she could solve a Rubik’s cube and peeled off the stickers instead.
Watching total idiots at work argue over whether to use 1 or 2 staples is oddly satisfying.
She attempted to wave at a friend but accidentally waved at a stranger.
He tried to play the drums and hit himself with a drumstick.
Total idiots at work taped their phone to their desk thinking it was a “hands-free” solution.
Total idiots at work thought cleaning the keyboard with water was a brilliant idea.
When total idiots at work tried to fax a 3D object and wondered why it wouldn’t go through.
Total idiots at work think the office clock runs slower on Mondays.
He tried to act smooth by tossing his jacket over his shoulder but dropped it in a puddle.
Watching total idiots at work argue over whether to “reboot” the water cooler is comedy gold.
She thought she could race her nephew and ended up tripping over his toy.
She attempted to balance a pen on her nose but poked herself in the eye.
Total idiots at work believe that stacking their laptops will improve Wi-Fi strength.
When total idiots at work try to use the company logo as their email signature by sticking it on the monitor.
Total idiots at work just tried to install an app on a calculator.
He thought he could balance on a railing for a photo and slipped right off.
Watching total idiots at work print out emails to “save them for later” never gets old.
She tried to flick a crumb off the table but accidentally flicked it into her drink.
Total idiots at work believe their slow internet is caused by too much sunlight in the room.
He attempted to drink water while laughing and choked on it.
When total idiots at work wonder if USB stands for “Unlimited Storage Box.”
Diese dumme Lacherei geht einem auf den Keks!
Total idiots at work just tried to plug a USB drive into their headphone jack.
Total idiots at work believe pressing the elevator button multiple times makes it come faster.
She thought she could catch a snowflake on her tongue but got a face full of snow.
She tried to do a cartwheel in a narrow hallway and knocked over everything.
He attempted to walk while texting and ran into a pole.
Watching total idiots at work try to balance their phones on their heads for better signal is priceless.
When total idiots at work try to fax a PDF file directly from their laptop screen.
She tried to slide into a chair dramatically but missed and fell on the floor.
These total idiots at work might think the scanner is a microwave 📠🍕🤣.
Total idiots at work: they’d wonder why their keyboard doesn’t have a “day off” button ⌨️🛌😂.