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About the Author: PowerfulJRE


  1. In 94 i was 14 years old visited the queen merry with my fam. It was the only time i ever felt like i was watched and felt it was haunted. Ive never felt anything any where else ever except there. The lower engine room after a tour and one of the foyer erea. I couldnt wait to get ou tof there.

  2. I accidentally don’t know but I’m sure I was soo angry I threw plate with my mind in the air hit the tv which no one noticed ahahaha lol forget me spell be what oh yeah Blair witch ain’t as scary in the uk but anyway I always believe I I was native too California which could say my character is isn’t real the powers don’t always let me down sacrifices must not be found blah blah blah

  3. Scary asf when seen self as ghost an hole party see you as just smoke in car screaming help me I’m a ghost like people freaking out as hands disappear your ghost caper makes them choke lightings is coming out your head

  4. Something me an my personality it you piss the what ever in me you may see lights blow up or hole places go out in power cuts don’t know what I’m cussing but seems work a lot

  5. Sad say reall I’m a live ghost typing on a phone listening this stream an mean if you asked me have I been ghost I’d say yeah I have had my hole hand go threw the light switch like I wasn’t really I was turning invisible making eltrictrics blow up a lot

  6. Plan areas 457 too 210 reload open door next a trip after I had no blessings many curse I run above again I didn’t lie still praying I don’t bring the sun rise down but I’m floss flex notice I’m demons but yess I’m secretly wreck less a crack in the fabrics from another dimension green shit stuff high magic may be a savage swear I seen the shadow soo my happiness is dark my gold is glowing how wicked for some time I breaking how much fan of those talks spiritual stuff ehehehehehe I don’t mean brag I love demonic shit I’m am the reason why no one can have my doritioes I must say I’ve been swapped round quite a lot soo I guess made me more like wtf agahahahah break matrick make fair out my hands

  7. I work at Cecil hotel in Los Angeles. These guys were there one time. This place is super haunted, possessed. Everyone knows a lot, butt no one ever goes to the basement here at Cecil. If you find the right spot down there, u can go to the tunnels.

  8. I was 8 when I had my first issue with a demonic entity. My parents had moved to a new house in Ponce, PR, and within the first few days, weird things started happening. From hissing sounds, (we have never owned cats), to stuff breaking by themselves, and 2 months in, I had a horrible nightmare, In my dream I was sleeping and felt extremely hot, woke up drenched in sweat, and I could see the heat waves you can see over the top of cars on hot summer days emanating from the roll window (Persiana) and I opened it to let cool air in, and that’s when I saw a group of Spaniard conquistadores burning the native people alive, I could hear their screams and I woke right up, drenched in sweat… I then looked at the ceiling fan to see if I forgot to turn it on before I fell asleep, and I saw thru the fan blades a black silhouette with bright cat like yellow eyes staring at me, and while I was transfixed on it, another entity grabbed my right ankle from the bottom of the bed. I couldn’t breathe or scream for help, so I kicked to top bunk bed to wake my older brother up, who to this day says he saw me and I looked purple in color, and he grabbed my hand and pulled me to his top bunk bed. I told everything to my parents who blamed it on a bad dream. Well, 3 weeks later I fell off my bike and shattered my right ankle, to the point it ripped my Achilles tendon in half and I required an ankle fusion. We didn’t last long in that house. About 4 months, my mom to this day only says “she felt uncomfortable” living there, but I’m sure she must have had a bad experience or experiences.

  9. I've had a couple of strange experiences when I was younger. No one believes me of course. Even close friends. What annoys me is how they'll dismiss it. "Oh the thing with the thing?" And they'll describe a completely different dumbed down version of the story with a half assed explanation baked in. Fine, don't believe me but at least remember the basic details of the story you don't believe in.


  11. A demon would be interested in them keeping filming. Because with that heaven question he could shake the faith of a large amount of people

  12. When I was 17 I lived in this house in Fontana California. It was a really nice house and I lived there for about 2 years. One morning at about 3am I woke up and I was alone in the house, I was upstairs in my room and I opened my door to the blackest hallway I’ve ever seen in my life. I thought nothing of it. My dad’s room was open, which was odd. My dad hated people in his room. I went across the hallway and closed the door. I turned around and started getting ready for school and when I entered the hallway again the door was open. I thought nothing of it and closed it. Then I went into the bathroom, shut the bathroom door, took a shower, went into my room and when I came out the door was opening in front of my eyes and I saw this shadow that was around 7 feet tall and was hanging upside down from the ceiling. I froze. It had no face. No nothing. It was darker than the dark. I sat there for what felt like hrs cause I was convinced if I moved something bad was gonna happen. I then slowly watched it return into the room and the door shut by itself. I ran into my room and tried comprehending what I saw. Never figured it out and never saw it again unless it was in my dreams. Scariest day of my life.

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