Fresh AskReddit Stories: People who have had a near death experience, what did you experience? — LIKE AND I WILL UPLOAD MORE REDDIT STORIES!
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Think it was story 5 or .Sounds like this person had either a stroke or a seizure. Injured during falling on floor, also explains memory loss
I guess the majority of people do not know what a NDE is. Lol
The picture of the car is the same as the one I’m
I'll tell u what dying was like for me. Got really close. Age 23. Working at Baskin Robbins at a mall. One night out front the mallI was stabbed right through imy stomach and barely thru the back of my stomach. Jump forward 10 minutes. My stomach swelled up like a balloon from air getting in the knife hole. It collapsed my diaphragm or it couldnt work and all a sudden I couldn't breathe out. I could breathe in just not out. I took a second breath in almost full lungs and again I couldnt breathe out.. I freaked. I took a third in with my lungs super full and again could not breathe out.. then I just couldn't breathe at all! it didnt take very long from that moment to start to panic. And I mean REAL panic. You become a wild animal and the fear is unbelievably intense. My heart started racing..I was gasping for air now… sheer panic….the panic subsides and I started thinking I've got too much to do still but then- you know how they say your life flashes before your eyes? I got to that stage. I think u just start grasping at your most important memories and people. Absolutely do not wish that panic on anyone. U dont want to know that fear. As I lay my head in on the ground I watched an ambulance pull up- all sideways like. What a wonderful sight. I cud not tell them what was wrong but they had an oxygen pump mask thing on. I exhausted it ? Somehow? I threw them my wallet but took it back when I realized I had money in it. I was still gasping and they were trying to tell me if I stop panicking I will breathe but couldnt tell them I was panicking because I couldn't breathe. They figured it out but not before I stopped listening to them and just tried to breathe as hard as I could. I got really strong emotionally and just said inside IM NOT GOING TO LET MYSELF DIE. I DON'T CARE WHAT THEY SAY. I never NOT listened to authority but at that moment I had to ignore them and try as hard as I could over and over til we got to the hospital. That's when they figured out that my stomach was swollen and causing the problem. They say as I' am switched to a hospital gurnee and tell me they have to put a tube in my stomach…down thru my esophagus..so I opened my mouth and they said. "No it goes thru the nose" I was like what ? They put the tube up my nose and u know that pain from accidentally putting your finger too far up your nose? If not you realize real quick – NOTHING GOES PAST A CERTAIN POINT UP THERE! but I really wanted to breathe again so I closed my eyes shaking my head ok go. And omg. It hurt worse then anything I've ever known pain to be. Felt like my nose was breaking and cracking noises and blood gushing out my nose. Scraping down my esophagus it went and down into my stomach and I could breathe again I think. I dont remember anything til the next morning when I woke to phone ringing and people all in my hospital room. My stomach muscles went into shock and clenching so bad it pulled my knees up toward my chest. They had to hold me down. I yelled for all the visitors to shut up and get out (seems funny to me now why I said those things but I really needed them to go. Weird) I eventually calmed. No they gave me morphine. The detective handling the case told my folks they caught the kids who stabbed me. 16 yo and his 15yo cousin. Told us they will be out of detention in a few days so they had me switch rooms and change my name. They ask me what my fake name should be I picked the first name of one friend and the last name of another. The radio said I died. People were calling my house so much to give condolences my parents had to leave the phone off the hook. I answered the phone when I was finally back home. It was a really cute girl. We both liked each other but were both dating others before all this. . She was calling to give condolences and I answered. We went out for a bit but she had never broke up with bf. Lead singer /guitarist friend. Bad juju. So we broke it off. I liked and feared his rage when I was so hurt and healing . the end.
PS : cover your stab wounds to gut the whole insides is like a vacuum.
I've had a few near death moments in my life:
4years old – I found a cut off electric plug from my dad, put in an outlet (220V 2A) and electrocuted myself out of curiosity.
6years old – Jumped on a beanbag chair from a 3rd floor balcony (broke my left arm's humerus clean through),
13 years old – I was plugging my playstation to an 80's Sharp tv and it arced from the rca port to the nearby outlet, I don't even want to know how many amps that was.
14years old – Front side wheelied my bicycle downhill into oncoming traffic and totaled a corolla, rolled onto the other lane where a jeep stopped his 36" tires about 10" from my crotch (broke my wrist and slightly dented the bike frame.
16 years old – Was painting a lighthouse in a rope style construction cradle 90ish ft from the ground and my foreman dropped his rope while lowering me down and I hung there with no safety harness (concrete foundation below).
18 years old – Was unscrewing a 3×3 ft. metal ceiling plate inside a country transformer house in a boom lift and the operator bumped into his joystick almost pouring me out while holding a heavy ceiling plate above head… Again no safety harness.
22 years old – Was in a practice competition for standard pistol with 4 others in a underground shooting range and we're shooting 5 shots at 82ft distance in 10 second rounds… Newbie shoots a ceiling light with his first shot and the lights go out, no emergency lighting of any kind. So we have 5 people with loaded pistols expecting to finish their mags in 10 seconds when lights go out. I quickly dropped my pistol on the table and backed away as fast as I could and thankfully nobody got shot.
I felt physical fear (if that makes sense), adrenaline and endorphins every time.
After listing all of these times I almost died I kinda feel lucky to be alive. 😀
jesus on a surfboard saved those guys
I went hiking with my friend who actually hated me. I was standing on the edge of the mountain and she kicked me all I remember was me hanging on to the cliff as well as I could. Never again
Been to Sandy's, have been thrashed around alot, had close calls if I didn't land correctly. I still go there once in the while
Somewhat of a joke.
Ok fr: I rode my bike down hill without a helmet. I crashed to the wall and still consious, I ran to my parents bloody, and they drove to the hospital 2 miles away. I had to get stitches. Question is how am I not brain damaged?
How Many fucking commercials gotta be in 1 video. Am i the only one sick of it?
When I was 10 I had wen’t with my uncle and his family to Mexico for a vacation. (My family didn’t go it’s was just 5 of us)When we arrived the first thing we did was get a hotel and drive to a place to rent a four wheeler so we can go to the desert and drive. When we got the rented four wheeler we dropped my aunt and her daughter at the hotel and me, my cousin, and uncle wen’t to the desert to have fun. My uncle let my lil cousin drive (he’s 10 at the time) it was going smooth nothing bad was happening but than I blacked out. When I woke up the four wheeler was flipped and I saw no one. I had crawled out of the four wheeler and when I looked down I noticed blood was dripping. I was scared because a lot of blood was coming out and I saw no one near. Than a man and my uncle came in a truck and picked my up cause I was bleeding a lot ( I didn’t mention it but, I had cracked open my head and it almost cracked my skull) they took me to a navy hospital and stitch me up and put a shot in my ass cheek.
When I was around 5 I almost drowned. Till this day I remember not being able to breath or come to the surface of the water – I was seeing it from under the water , scared. The vision just blacked out slowly and then I started to see again – now out of the water after some one pulled me out. It wasn't death experience but it felt damn close to it.
I went into shock from hyperglycemia. Didn't know i was diabetic and when I woke up somewhat i felt this weird surreal presence around me like I could see the outline of what looked like angles when I closed my eyes. I could feel them moving parts of my body and if I had to guess what else they were doing, I think they were like healing my soul keeping me alive
59 percent of the comment: Stories about near death experiences
1 percent: memes and complaining
40 percent: T H O T S
Crashed my kayak over a waterfall with my dog. I cut her line so she made it to shore. I was skirted in my yak and trapped underwater by branches. Don't remember what happened. I have liver failure (unrelated to accident) and still dying on a transplant list. I think death will feel like drowning in cool green water.
theres a video in your ads
Depends on the death.
Was up in the high Polish mountains (Tatra) on an observation area. I was about 4 or 5 at the time. The observation area consisted of a rather small, flat area, surrounded by metal posts with essentially 3 cords barbed wire connecting them all. On the other side of the “guard rail” was a sheer rock face and a drop of about 400-500 feet (120-150m).
There was ice all over the ground and it bulged in the middle, so it gently sloped toward the edge. I slipped and began to slide toward the edge. Since I was so young, the lowest guard wire was high enough for me to fit under. As my feet are about over the edge, my dad realizes what’s going on and grabs me by my jacket in time to stop me going over. I should note this all happened in the span of about a second and a half, so it’s not like I wasn’t being watched. My dad was close and acted very quickly.
I remember being very nervous and kind of frozen, but I didn’t realize the real weight of what had happened until years later. I actually enjoy heights and climbed trees for the remainder of my childhood. But I am very wary when walking on ice.
lol, all the fake stories about god and jezus xD
Bless 'Mark', an actual life saver.
I will tell you in short I had a real bad accident at the time it happened and I was dead and checked out it was incredible amazing no adjective to describe what took place and when I decided to stay here it went real bad real fast back in my body unreal pain just polar opposite of where I just was. Crazy
Happened twice. Coined a term in my friend group where we called any black van Murphy's van. First time I was crossing the street to home and someone didn't notice and turned right towards me. I managed to jump back in time. Second time an intersection with no protected turns we were walking to a game store where the unprotected way lead to a Taco Bell and the protected lead to McDonalds. Being nerds we broke from a table top session to Taco Bell and were going back to the game store. I felt my blood run cold and I froze. All I could think of was "This is it…and all for a fucking fast food taco! I hope they get his plate and it blows up on the news! College student dies because van couldn't wait for them to cross!" ExBF who was the DM of our Warhammer group jumped back to get between me and the van and made eye contact with "Murphy". The man swerved around us but if our DM hadn't the van would have hit me and he clearly didn't give a crap until someone was looking at him. Everyone quickly helped me across the street to the game store as I tried not to cry. I told them I'd never cross that street again. I'd rather eat McDonalds than cross that road to Taco Bell again because it sunk in for us all at that moment how much people in our town would rather turn ASAP than break for a group of college students that could pass for teens. We piled into a car for food runs with one or two people staying behind or just brought food with us from that day on. But fuck being the only girl and having it feel like the van was aiming for me….it was the second most traumatic thing to happen to me. BTW, I kept that word and told my fiance the first time we went to that game store so he'd know yes food is allowed but if we go to Taco Bell we're driving.
I hydroplaned on an overpass and was perpendicular to the wall going 50 miles per hour or so. Managed to steer into the skid without oversteering. It wasn’t until a few seconds later I realized I nearly died.
I got in a car accident. like 80 miles / hour on the highway, the driver fell asleep. It was scary as hell and during that few seconds, I kept thinking "It's the end, and this is really stupid that I'm going to die like this.". It felt a pretty long time. But we just missed a concrete pole and ended up in a ditch. Not a single scratch… Luck or God helped us, I don't know, but it was really scary experience.
I have no memory of the event itself, seeing as my skull got fractured, but when the doctors ask you how you're still alive you know it's pretty serious. I was in a car wreck. The driver's side was crushed in and the roof was crushed down. All damage to the car was centered on the driver's seat. There wasn't room for a driver anymore. I was the driver, and was apparently found in the passenger seat still seatbelted in to the driver's seat. My memory is still broken, random holes and certain things make my mind get stuck, but for the most part I'm good. I don't know how it felt. I remember heading to bed the night before, and then waking up in the hospital a week later, only it felt right that I was in the hospital.
Fucking cowards. There is no real reason to live. We try to distract ourselves from the truth and that there is no real reason to live. I personally wanting to die. I'm ready to have a stress free afterlife away from everyone. And not have to worry about the necessaries. I can't value life. And I don't want it sucks. All we really do is suffer and try to find something to fill that void that we really can fill. I'm not happy anymore. All I feel is anger, saddness, and jealousy of people who have it better. I'm tired of people say it will get better. It doesn't and I don't to hear that lie anymore. I'm on the verge of wanting to die.
I tried to overdose and drown myself a while back. I mixed antidepressants and alcohol and when I began to feel my mind slip, I dunked my head into a bathtub full of water. I hoped that I would pass out and drown. The last thing I remembered before loosing consciousness was holding my breath. I woke up some time later shivering and laying in my own vomit. Even after loosing consciousness, my bodies survival instincts wouldn't allow me to drown. I had no memory of throwing up, so I could have easily drowned in my own vomit if I hadn't have been laying on my side. At some point while I was drunk, I had brought my laptop into the bathroom with me to listen to music while I "did my thing". After coming to, I realized that I had thrown up all over my laptop which held all of my art programs and a lot of important documents. It was completely dead. But instead of feeling angry or shameful, I felt humbled. I guess it took me falling to my rock bottom to finally start getting myself back up. I wish I could say I heard voices or saw a light, but I suppose I didn't need any of that to get what I needed out of the experience.
I almost drowned when I was 8. I had "swam" into the deep end, keeping in mind that I couldn't actually swim. I felt exactly what the other person said when they almost drowned, intense panic then a state of calm. I could feel the water in my lungs and knew I was sinking so I gave up. Thankfully the lifeguard who thought I was DANCING got me out before I passed out but when i tried to stand up I almost fell back into the pool from dizziness.
I almost died 4 times in my life. Once when I was about 6, was in a horrible car accident where the car flipped 5 times, I was so young it was like everything went so quiet until the car landed upside down and I slumped out of my seatbelt onto the roof. My brother was trapped and my mother got thrown across this field, I didnt even realize what had actually happened until I heard my mother screaming for us and limping/crawling towards the car and my brother started crying.
The second time I was 9, my father was an extremely abusive man and one night I fought back and refused to let him sexually assault me. He beat me so hard I broke several ribs and was completely unconscious before he was done. When I woke up I was locked in one of the spare bedrooms, I remember everything so vividly, the icey cold air because it was between christmas and new years and the place didnt have heat, my blood matting my hair and drying on my skin. The next 6 days he continued to beat and sexually assault me every time he was home, the 4th day i broke the window trying to escape and when he found out he beat me within an inch of my life. It was both the most calm and hectic moment of my life, at one point the pain stopped I went completely numb, like it wasnt me experiencing it. I remember closing my eyes and just going to sleep, blocking out the noise and pain completely, it felt like I was floating and peaceful. I thought I had died. The next thing I remember he had a buddy of his who knew about everything and was an emt reviving me, at that point he had set all my dislocations back and cleaned me up. He told my mother the dog attacked me (my mother and him were divorced and she had no clue anything was happening)
The final two times were suicide attempts, the first I had taken a whole lot of left over sleeping medication when I was 12. The funny thing is you dont just simply go to sleep, the first 20 mins was so much pain and choking and convulsing while blacking in and out until my best friend found me and forced me to through up everything. The second time I tried to hang myself my I was 16. I tied a few shoe laces around an exposed pipe in our bathroom, i remember struggling and being conflicted, in that one moment i both wanted to die but didnt. I was happy but sad. Then god willing the pipe snapped and I hit the floor. It was the hardest feeling in the world to hit the ground, it felt like being hit by a truck but I was alive.
The one thing i experienced with it all was the calmness right before you black out. It is unlike anything else i can describe, for a few seconds the world goes completely quiet and black and peaceful… truly peaceful, a complete serene moment where nothing matters, it's just a blanket of black and quiet
Life is valuable and you need to respect its excitice
Who though of the oa when they saw this video?
Hi and another awesome video
When I got hit by a car, took 0 damage, and totaled the car with my body, time stopped for a few seconds and I thought how disappointed I was with myself that I let it happen. I feel it was a very special once in a lifetime moment. Especially with how I was protected from damage. The car that hit me was finished.
It feels badass before it feels scary but it still feels scary while it feels badass but it also feels regretful while there’s also happiness
Almost drowned when I was 6-7, I knew how to swim but I felt something pull me under the water by my ankle, I kept trying to get whatever was on my ankle off (because I couldn't see anything I thought it might have been something clear), and idk how long I was there but I suddenly felt at peace, like I was getting sleepy, one off the last thoughts I had was that I didn't even get to say goodbye to my mom. Someone pulled me out (idk if it was a teenager or an adult) but he looked really old to me, I remember he had really blue eyes and I heard him say "don't close your eyes, don't fall asleep" in English (this was before I learned the language, he may have been a tourist). Didn't get to say thanks or anything to him as I was taken to the infirmary
I saw my life and I thought it was pathetic so I stop suffocating myself while I was sleep and got up and it still pathetic
Don't know if this applies, but once I was at a stop sign at an intersection and suddenly this douche ran through the red light and tryed to turn toward my direction, he was going so fast he started drifting and going directly towards me, I just saw it and my mind went in to automatic mode, I was giving instructions to myself, I went backwards really fast and was able to doge the incoming car but the dude crashed against a light post just in front of me, after that I was shaking and got in to a light depression, everything ok now but at that time I constantly tough about death and stuff like that
Sorry bad english, second language
Haha jokes on you, I’m already dead inside-
(This is a joke btw)
Not a very good suicide story if you can tell it
2:00 Should NOT have watched this while eating…
Dude run over by the semi…I thought that was a guy, who was a friend of mine. But he was much younger than 19 and it was longer than 2 years ago.
My near-death experience was both terrifying, and infuriating. It motivated me more than ever, just to give it a metaphorical middle finger.
I once worked with a dude who had a heart attack and he was only in his 30’s at the time. the cause was from him eating too much food because of his mother passing away the year before. He said with absolute certainty while he was still unconscious from surgery but a mans voice spoke clear as day and told him that “don’t be afraid it’s not your time yet”, and ever since then he has become very religious because he does believe that voice was god himself.
im early subscribe to me
I once was in a bad car accident. A piece of glass that was from the wind shield went about 4 and a half inches into my chest on the right side, I also broke my arm in 6 places. I woke up right after the accident occurred feeling peaceful. I heard voices whispering in a language I've never heard before or after this event occurred. And then
3 days after the accident I wake up in a hospital, turns out my organs are inverted and the glass that went into my chest, if only an inch deeper I'd be dead now.
Age 16, and adolescence, can often be extremely upsetting.
Many people have had a near death experience without knowing it.
I was in a severe car accident and got airlifted to the hospital. Went in a coma for four weeks. Doctors said I had two seizures.
Nobody is gonna read this but;
So when i was 3 i hit my head to the coffe table and then everything was fine severe beleeding but then fine but 4 years later i (7yo) and i hit ky head (THE EXACT SAME LOCATION) and cut my veins and then i was crying then while i was in the car i just was relaxing, my eyes were closing i saw sheer panic in peoples eyes but they got me back and my head has a Chirst symbol that looks exactly same so i think i was blessed LOL.
This is lokey depressing