At the world-famous MalaMala Game Reserve, an unfortunate African wild dog was the victim of a leopard’s ambush. Making it all the more unbelievable, it took place within meters of the rest of the dog’s pack.
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Expert safari rangers, Mrisho Lugenge and Mike Kirkman filmed both angles of this sighting that we used in our edit.
Piecing together the drama, the wild dogs were feeding on a recent kill. Possibly drawn by the commotion, or just by chance, a large male leopard made a stealthy approach.
From a different perspective, we can see the leopard approaching…
Whenever the dogs would lift their heads or turn away, the leopard would inch closer.
Consequently, and thanks to its phenomenal camouflage, the leopard was able to get within meters of the nearest dogs.
No sooner had the leopard got within striking distance, than the dogs appeared to move off. Not to be outwitted, the leopard settled down to wait in ambush.
A short while later, one of the dogs returns, perhaps looking to pick up some scraps of food. Unaware of the spotted cat’s presence, it unwittingly walks right into the ambush.
Below, we see from a different perspective, the moment the attack was launched. Using surprise, speed, and mass of strength, the leopard was onto the dog, quickly pinning it down for a mauling.
As wild dogs live in closely-knit packs, other members rush to the aid of their fallen comrade within just three seconds, without a moment’s hesitation! The dogs launch a counter-attack in a frantic bid to rescue their compatriot.
Consequently, while the mauling continues, the dogs bite the leopard all over its body. The dogs eventually manage to force the leopard to release their packmate. However, when it doesn’t get up, it becomes clear that it has been injured by the leopard.
Having lost its prize, and heavily outnumbered, the leopard flees with the dogs hot on its heels. Meanwhile, the injured dog continues to writhe and whimper on the ground.
With the threat dealt with, members of the pack return to check on their comrade. Despite their excited calling and encouragement, it seems the leopard has caused a mortal injury.
According to Mrisho and Mike, the dog soon succumbed to its injuries, thought to include a broken spine. As leopards often do when they sense danger, the big male had taken refuge in a large tree. Once safely settled, it looked down at its pursuers.
For the dogs, they could only wait at the base of the tree, hoping for the chance to avenge their fallen warrior.
As one of Africa’s most endangered large predators, the loss of this individual is significant. Less than 7000 survive in the wild today, in highly fragmented populations across east and southern Africa.
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Hay muchos videos donde perros domésticos dan más pelea que estos perros salvajes
Damn he died so quickly?
The leopard eats tonight
In computer programming, Its called: A Leopard is > Wild dogs
That actually was a quick response by the dogs
……….leopard just got him in a bad spot where the damage was done so quickly, that’s how it is sometimes! 

That's how the pack is suppose to back you up .. Unfortunately the damage was already done before they could intervene ..
This is how Allah created their world.
Read final revelation Quran
The dogs get that leopard . That
was a split
second everything happened.
Wild dogs are such dumb animals
Look at those lands….and imagine if you were a human being walking here….oh how dead you would be…..
Strength in numbers.
Aww, that is really painful for me to see what happened with the dog. The pack meant business – if they'd caught the leopard they would likely as a group assault have killed it.
Why did they say they wished the dogs had spotted the leopard? Is it because as usual the only animals worthy of being able to eat on the planet are dogs?
Interesting clip, thanks for posting. Good the tourists showed so empathy for the dog, too many clips have tourists laughing in scenes like this!
Os cães selvagens em bando, são terríveis….
Der Hund ist schon tot!!!
sad, but nature. You will never hear or see a leopard coming
Leopard wins! Dog became meat.
Леопард просто супер хищник! А этим шакалам так и надо!
Why go on Safari if you are squeamish. ?? Do you think the wild animals get a takeaway from Macca's ?????????
Cats rule and dogs drool
Acabo con el en 5 segundos ni la manada pudo salvarle ese será comida
Leopards are the kings of this channel.
That was mercy kill considering how wild dogs actually hunt their prey.
الضرر الذي احدثه النمر في الكلب ليس بسبب العضة فقط بل بالشقلابة التي قام بها ولف بها عنق الكلب
هل مات الكلب البري ام فقط تضرر.. بعذه السرعة وجعله ينازع
The way they cried for their buddy at the end, so sad.
Oh!!!!!!, Bad Leonard, he just killed an innocent dog

Unscripted pure action