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Welcome to The Mucky Mansion!
Join us as we take on this 900 Year old (in parts) condemned Chateau that’s one strong wind away from crumbling! With a mix of optimism, determination, And a lot of DIY, We’re breathing new life into this forgotten treasure, tackling everything from radiators falling through the floors to hidden secrets in the walls. We’re learning (and laughing) as we go, sharing the highs, lows and unexpected challenges of saving a piece of history from the ground up.
Subscribe to see our progress, mishaps, and some incredible transformations!
Those are called orbs, which is energy/spirit 😊
I have 4 different friends that have ghost stories to tell. I’m so disappointed that I’ve never seen one. I even stayed overnight in a supposed haunted house. A friend thought she had one. She thought it was a child. Most of the activity was in the children’s rooms. Toys turned on. The radio turned on. She finally decided to talk to it. She thought it liked the family so she told it they would stay if it could calm down a bit. It did. She said she didn’t really mind having it around. The haunting began when they started renovating. She’s a rational person so I think it’s true. 2 of the other stories were from English friends.
Sometimes when a place is being renovated / or changed in any way this can cause the stirring up of any unseen, that still inhabit the place or if not noticed before will be more relevant… from what you have shown, this is what I understand with your place. But other things can do this as well.. I've known of places that have had changes done, which then caused "new" visitors and/or shall I say "roommates" to be in the home. LOL Truth be told I don't need any of these reasons .. Time will tell whom you have within your fabulous Chateau. Many blessings 😄🙏
Dear Sadie and Stan. Its most probably a energy portal you have in the castle. Check if it continues up throu every plane about at the same spot. It would explane the moving orb as well. Its really comon and comesfrom the ground under. My english is not god enough to explain how it works but Stan is really curious so maybe he would like to read about it. Metal in the ground creates a lot elictromagnetism specially combined whit flowing vater
Those round shadows are called Orbs in paranormal language I believe.
Where are at in the UK ? Im from USA i didnt know you all get snow in the UK ? Great video 😂
I’m so 😱 scared. Gave me goosebumps 😂
The EMF reader was probably triggered off by the light, as it was going off next to it. The rest of the time, I have no clue, and I'm no expert, but some watches, smart health rings, and other items in pockets, such as mobile phones, can set them off. Also, if the camera gets too close, it can trigger the EMF as well. I think different readers detect at different distances. Personally, I'm not surprised that there are active spirits or (if you aren't religious/spiritual) residual energy in the building, as it's so old and probably witnessed many events. Also, you are moving things around, clearing out rubbish and knocking down walls, etc. so spirits/residual energy are probably being disturbed and released. Billy leaves that tablet around the convent with the sound recording app. Perhaps he might lend it to you, as it could be interesting to see what or if any noise is occurring at the same time as your security night vision camera is detecting movement. If you find someone who has studied the psychology of the paranormal, they may be able to help you, or maybe the ghost hunters that lent you the EMF reader could come to do an investigation.
I'm so glad you went to get your back checked out Stan, as I'm sure you already know from your past health history, "your health really is your wealth." Not just financially, I know this first hand as I lost my health 12 years ago. I'm very lucky and grateful to still be here, but I now don't really get to live anymore. Watching your videos helps me to escape and feel like I'm part of something, vicariously living some of my dreams through them. I can't thank you enough, I'm so grateful to both of you ❤. I actually have several videos to catch up on, as I've been too ill recently. My popcorn is ready, and Im so excited 😁.
I love that you have security guard cats and live-in pest control 😂. I'm sure they will earn their keep 🐀😺😜. Stay healthy, and I know Saddie will make sure you don't overdo it Stan. I've watched Saddies videos for a long time, and it's nice to see her so happy, she really does deserve it. I am so pleased you found each other, and It gives some of us hope that maybe one day we too can find our soulmates. Keep mucking on 💪Love from Ireland ❤ 🇮🇪
Looking for a engineer…. widow for 20 years.
Glad your back is feeling better Stan ! also thankyou for feeding the cats.
Since the cat moving in front of the camera was quite blurry, the little luminous thing could have been a mouse.
On the other hand, upstairs, in the Count's room, the energies of the past, captured by the walls in the past, are still present. They can, I'm sure, be felt in this room even without your instruments. They will gradually disappear with the renovation.
Hi,just come across your channel think you to are amazing love your videos,love from UK 🇬🇧
🙏and positive wishes for continued healing on your back, Stan!!
Wow, rapping, Stan!!
The orb captured on camera appears to be an example of paranormal phenomena.
A Roman Catholic priest could exorcise any pesky paranormal presence. Burning sage smudge sticks are good cleansers.
Chuck in Northern New England
Stan , installer of light.
Great video today my thoughts on the cctv orb it could be the spirit of a long gone pet cat or even dog,
that could be why its so low down on the floor and seems to move from fire to under the table you leave food and give warmth just like it was when it was living
I think its a frog ghost the witch captured in her cauldren, so Repunzel couldnt kiss him back into a prince. He hopped out of the cauldren but not fast enough! Only his spirit escaped the clutches of the witch! It explains why theres so many cat paw prints all over the place!
Interesting! Try talking to the spirits and ask if anyone is there, if it’s the count, etc. and see if you get any response with the equipment.
Keep rapping Stan 😂❤😅😊Sadie keep smiling and laughing 🤩 love everything you do !
Look forward to every video. Definitely a ghost orb, I think a friendly one for sure. You would feel bad mojo otherwise😅
I am here to respectfully say cast that spirit and any others out in Jesus name they are not dead people they are dark spirits familiar spirits wickedness,,
How fun 😂🎉❤
Looks like an orb, could be anything from lightbeeing, extraterestrisch, an energetic lifeform…ect. google this 😉
You should get with Adam Mark Explores, here on YouTube. He is in Whales, and travels throughout Europe, exploring abandoned homes, asylums, urban, explorer, etc.
Looks like a mouse.
Keep the cats around. They'll chase the bad spirits away.
Thank Stan and Sadie for very intriguing video 😮❤❤from Texas
This is cool 👻 😮
🤣 Good joke ! On the last bit viewing the camera. It kinda looks like a small mouse came out from the floor.
OMG!! 😂What could it be??? 😂 Definitely will be interesting to find out! ❤
Thanks for feeding the kitties! They probably have a home but who knows! When I was a little girl, we had a cat, Thomas O’Malley who every day would stop by every house in our neighborhood and eat and still would come home at night and eat like a pig! 😂❤
Totally enjoyed the video! Thanks! ❤️
Its called an orb.
The very first thing that comes to mind is what we call here in Texas a " dust bunny"… tufts of dust and sometimes combined with animal hair that are very lightweight so they will move around with the slightest bit of air flow. They can be all shapes but often resemble a ball or round shape.
Does the camera have a slight delay?
I never knew squirting form insulation could be so emotionally dramatic.
Please also leave some water out for the cats, thank you 😊
Stan I believe what you saw on camera was an orb. In other words, a spirit it won't hurt you or Saddie. It was trapped in there. The spirit was unable to leave. Carry on as always. I'm so glad you're feeding the cats. I'm sorry to hear you were in the hospital. You both take care. The Mrs. USA😊
This is ABSOLUTELY the direction this channel needs to go.
Hate rap
Things like ‘orbs’ are just specs of dust floating in the air.
The thing that you filmed was most likely a cobweb or a bit of fluff floating in the air.
The camera is focused on the objects in the room (chairs and tables) so the dust or cobwebs are very out of focus as they float in front of the cameras lens. The reason they appear to look like light blobs (or ghostly) is just the light waves bending round the out of focus object on its way back to the camera.
Regards, Andrew Sheard – Corrie camera operator.
That is for sure an orb. Whoever is there does not seem menacing. Be cool if you could get a paranormal team there at night. They have equipment to find and communicate with ghosts. Thank you for feeding the kitties. They do a service for you and it's nice you pay them back. Love Stan the rapper! Even with your strong accent I could understand the words much better than I can the rappers here in the USA.
There can’t be ghosts in the mansion because the Priest blessed the mansion when you first bought it. It has been cleaned of all negative energy.
3:45 I bet Stan has got some equipment there too! 🍆
That's an orb
Yay! Lights! 😎👍
Yes, you have caught an orb on camera. Legit.
Have you listened to the audio, if there is audio? It is time-consuming, so maybe just post the video and let your viewers do the listening? 😊
I'm glad your back is on the mend Stan. Be careful you two. 💞
J'adore les blagues pourries😂😂😂
Good joke Stan 🤣🤣