15 Unsolved Mysteries That Cannot Be Explained

15 Unsolved Mysteries That Cannot Be Explained
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15 unsolved mysteries that cannot be explained.

15 unsolved mysteries that cannot be explained | compilation. Today, we take a look at these 15 unsolved mysteries that cannot be explained.

There is nothing more tantalising to the human species than a good mystery. Thrillers in the forms of novels, movies, and even campfire tales are often consumed by the thousands who love the adrenaline rush of solving a mystery. However, some of the most pervasive mysteries are those that occur in real life, and these are the ones that are often most difficult to solve.

So today, we take a look at these 15 unsolved mysteries that cannot be explained!

Thank you for watching!

Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!


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About the Author: Unexplained Mysteries


  1. Karma for the first a•hole.. but imo the video isn't all that bad and with London being so heavily surveillanced, it's not so believable that's the only available footage of the suspect. Stinks of a cover-up.

    Second – Were mushrooms found in the toxicology report of the hikers?

    (Still watching)

  2. There's only(?)one thing I'm sure everyone hates about your videos, you tend to repeat over & over the same phrases about the same thing on the same subject and WE would like to move on to the next footage or maybe you think WE just want to put up with your constant repetitive phrases of the same thing on the same subject for the next hour or two!?! Unbelievable, I won't even last for a couple minutes watching your crap!?! Good Luck, you'll need it!!!.

  3. I could have sworn Gloria Ramirezs case had been solved. When she'd been told her life expectancy was wrapping up she began using dimenthly Sulfoxide on her skin because she believed it would help with her symptoms. She'd purchased the solvent from a hardware store strategically leaving out the reason she'd planned to utilize it. When her symptoms continued to cause her pain and shortness of breath she was admitted to an emergency room. Her blood was immediately drawn in order to prepare an IV and conduct testing. As soon as her blood, which by now had become saturated with the Dimenthyl Sulfoxide due to the frequent topical use, it was exposed to the cooler air of the ER resulting in the temperature decreasing from 98°F to 37° C.
    In return these specific circumstances created Dimenthyl Sulfate. This chemical compound when inhaled causes severe symptoms such as irritation to throat lungs and nose, as well as fluid build up which may have life threatening consequences due to pulmonary edima.
    These chemicals were emmited from Gloria's body and bc the nurses and staff members were in such a close proximity they became asphyxiated also.
    There are other components of this case that were accurately explained once this theory was introduced. The use of the Dimenthyl Sulfoxide on Gloria's skin mimicking the manner in which one may apply lotion was why Gloria's skin appeared to contain an oily sheen.The hospital staff all said that Gloria had a sweet, garlicky smell coming from her was a direct result of sulfuric compounds breaking down in the body.
    If anyone is interested Mr. Ballen does a long explanation vid regarding Gloria's case. He gives a step by step summary that cites each major variable and allows viewers to learn and understand exactly how such a seemingly routine hospital visit ended in such a memorable tragedy that baffled people for decades.

  4. There’s so many mind-blowing mysteries in this episode, hate to only comment on the first story… the thing is – if the person has no prior charges/isn’t in the system, and is wearing sunglasses, then it would be tough to legally find and book him (no license plate number obvi, less identifying factors for recognition software).
    Investigators, apparently using different cameras around the area, couldn’t make a definitive statement about who the man was since they couldn’t specify the jogger’s end location. They ballparked it and still couldn’t completely affirm who the culprit was.

    (I do agree that there’s a level of corruption/cover up going on with the police in regard to that jogger incident though!)

    Love this channel <3

  5. After watching the vid, I'm still left thinking of the cerebral power of some beings like the officially denied but much told of by ex-vet's Iraqi encounter with a massive giant who the Mil' took on, where all who got closer to this giant & ginger-bearded massive but fully human-shaped 'guy' were rendered as a non-fighting force due to collapsing or made dysfunctional from their heads screaming in pain, confusion, terror, an impulse to get the eff out of their, non-human entities hav often left a trail of such examples inc' full telepathic painless info' put in human minds esp' from the little slien-greys, Some people have a stronger than as-is-normal ability to "bring the mood down" at meetings, social events, pubs or parties, maybe we once or often met that human & weaker version of the same "cerebral output" that dropped a platoon by mental cerebral output power, we all got some degree of it no matter how weak or unnoticed it may go, some folk have the same but opposite power to "light up" a room or inspire many for the betterment of society. (But not in the u.k.'s top echelons of power, It would seem) ..you may think of if as "negative body language" or even visually just an unheard but visually perceived 'bad attitude' or "I don't like the looks or the demeanour of him.. (usually, or her) ..so let's move over there & keep away". But for examples hers, I can imagine that being a cause for many but clearly not all cases in this vid. "There are more things under heaven & on earth than meets your eye Horatio" (The Bard, a verbatim or close, google'll know i got it's gist, not that it proves 'owt but he often left the narrative to reveal great truths in all his plays

  6. Interesting, fascinating & some horrible stuff.
    P.S. I think the jogger is schtâma, now, weirdly in a top position somewhere & still now effing people's lives over more than ever.

  7. The jogger didn’t interfere with the pedestrian before her because that person was walking on the designated pedestrian path. The woman, however, was walking on the jogging path and was in his way, so he pushed her aside. There's your motive.

  8. The jogger was just a guy pissed off that this lady looking right at him as he was approaching couldn't just move out of the way. I bet she moves over next time.

  9. That first case is straight attempted murder. No question. On the second one with the hikers the only thing that makes sense to me is the lady that survived somehow poisoned all the others. For whatever reason.

  10. Legends of lost technologies, mysterious ancient structures, and the science of sound manipulation—all converging into one mind-expanding theory! Could this be the hidden truth behind some of the greatest architectural marvels in history?

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