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About the Author: Raventree Ranch


  1. Naw why does this soundtrack fit more with the pack than the avengers or whatever its from🤣 despite me laughing at my own joke, this is such a badass pack of protectors and herders. Even the herders guard and help set alarm off, what a team

  2. Beautiful scenery in this movie. The music is also suspence building and powerful
    Bo and the team adventures keeping the farm safw from any and all kinds that intend harm. To the Farm.graet movie.

  3. This maybe a stupid question but say you have other dogs or cats how do u get them to stay calm with them and not attack but if coyotes come they go for that sorry I’m ignorant to how its works

  4. I love animals when I see something like this that's love for the sheep love for the goats and love for the crew and love for there masters Blessed are all Amen I say can we get a Amen 😊

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