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About the Author: YouTube Movies


  1. I was looking at a podcast early today they start it talk about how evil and horror movie attract evil the name of this movie came about I looked up I just watched it was good movie I don’t know how to say it but it was good

  2. Sean Patrick Flanery is one actor who has been slept on. With movies like this, boondock saints, and suicide Kings, and also on the TV show the Boys. He's 👍 great!!

  3. OMG…. Thanksssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss so much. This movie is Unbelievable truth. Hope the world can see this movie.

  4. I was NOT expecting a film this engaging and theologically sound. This movie actually stirred me on a spiritual level. It gets into the soul. There was quite a bit of actual Bible scripture quoted in this film, although the references were never cited. It just fit right in with the dialogue.

    This was an impressive movie, and a very accurate depiction of the true reality between Divine truth and Demonic lies, between good & evil, God vs. Satan and the role of humanity in it all. The demon actually gave away a lot of the devil's schemes and tricks he plays on people. I feel that was the main goal of the movie, to expose the devil's hand. This movie could almost be used as an educational/cautionary tale. The only horror movie worthy of showing in Sunday School! LOL Great acting too BTW. The actor portraying Edward/Nefarious terrified me and broke my heart at the same time. Give that guy an Oscar!

    The inclusion of Glen Beck threw me, however. I like the guy. But as much as I appreciated a Christian angle, I don't think he was a proper representative. Though I like him as a journalist. The Mormon church is not strictly Bible based. So, ironically, it would be a devil's trick to get caught up in it. So if you're seeking a church, stick with an Orthodox or old-school Protestant doctrine of some kind. None of the new-age Christianity like Bethel or alternate faiths that mix in other religions with Christianity. None of that Joel Osteen/Kenneth Copeland/Joyce Meyers/Jesse Duplantis/Creflo Dollar/CBN b.s. It's all a deception. Get yourself some of that "old-time religion," as they say. Keep it simple. The Gospel isn't that complicated. But it is fascinating.

  5. This is seriously one of the most chilling movies I've ever seen. I'm a jew, I don't believe Jesus was the Mossiach, however I do believe he was a very eccentric rabbi teaching people jusdiasm in terms of the world which was singularly polythiestic at the time. He spoke to them using concepts they could understand. Demons are simply corrupted angels and they absolutely can take over your meat suit, however they have to be invited in and a metric fuckton of people do it on a daily basis without even knowing it. You invite it because you don't believe it's real. You call the bluff when there was no bluff and then you're trapped in the cage with the most corrupt of angels. Nothing is absolute in modern day, question everything and why you enjoy the things you do. Furthermore charity is often used as a bargaining chip to try to keep G-d from spanking you, when you should be kind and generous just for the sake of kindness, respect, dignity and humility. With total sincerity.
    Keep your mind open and question everything you think you know and even if you don't believe, keep an open mind. Our understanding of the universe and past, present and future changes minute by minute.

  6. It’s weird.
    This movie is like getting to look into the mind of a Christian only to find an empty hole full of internally contradictory logic and misremembered conservative podcast compilations.
    It’s insane the shit some people are impressed by.
    The demon here never did or said anything that rose above the whining of a petulant child with access to google.
    The protagonist being a twink with no spine did all of the heavy lifting.

  7. LOVE the little detail at 19:16 when the Priest comes to visit him and his hair is standing up like devil horns until he learns the Priest isn't a "true believer".

  8. I wonder if demons are this delusional, or this is merely the masquerading diatribes of a deluded person, offering up humorous dialogue. The demons in the Bible clearly Tell Jesus.

    Matthew 8:29 And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time?

    Yes, that sums it up. An interesting movie, definitely inaccurate. They know its over, so they will torment and attack until their final moment.

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