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These the best ones 😂😭
Who ever made this is dumb ass hell why would the put aquatic animals and land animals 💀
There were no moose attack highlights cause if you're close enough to a moose, you're most likely not surviving
Bro this the most ghetto scienctific argument🤣
"He might bait that 🥷into a whiff punish and STEAL his bitchass" IM CRYING!!!!!
Grizzly bear tears up a gorilla. Grizzlies are better fighters by far and more aggressive
Orca solo levels all
floyd fuck around and drop lebron
Choosing rhino over hippo is crazy
Got to be the craziest thing I have ever seen the most ignorant motherfuckers are no do not choose the most ignorant creature. The hippo is always looking for smoke it packs up at least 500 people a year and you don’t choose it. Y’all are insane. What rhino did y’all see that was this cold that you got him over so many animals that would dogwalk it😂😂
Ben Said, "weight classes" after saying crocodile 😂
First few seconds got me dying😂😂😂
Gorillas are the only animal that can actually throw a punch lol
26:10 Do I hear land of the snakes by J Cole?
Gigantopithecus can prob beat like 100 humans back to back no break 1v1's
28:15 panther will prob just jump on its back and get to severing the muskox spine
I wouldnt be suprise a chimp is strong enough to be eaten by a orca and force ite way out of the orca backdoor 😂😂😂
20:54 alot of prehistoric animals i only know of is from playing ark this is one of those animals
Nah, general viewers got no clue just how trash gorillas actually are compared to other large animals, at the end a majority of voters had the gorilla over bears, rhinos, tigers, hippos, and crocs, nah yall been watching wayy too much godzilla vs kong😂
Brown bear is bigger than grizzly
Bear vs gorilla isnt close at all, gorillas and bears basically the same intelligence in a fight, bear eating that thing 365 days a year
One tiger aint beating a buffalo, no shot
This chat might be dumbest I've ever seen.
Giant squids hunt whales the bear is not winning.
"Im steppin on shit" 😂😂😂😂 lee too funny bro
we need to punish the Texas school system. The way the way this whole video had me punching the air xD
These niggas power scaling animals based off weight💀💀💀
these mf's think an orangutan is beating a cheetah? they literally food for leopards and snakes…they not beating cheetahs
these are my favorite kind of streams
6:04 elephant seal is taken that fight by a large margin, polar bears don’t even be fucking with those things and seals are literally their favorite type of food, polar bears don’t wanna fuck with those things so badly that only in the most desperate situations they’ll go after the Cubs if they’re left unintended but you have to be a big polar bear to do that
Mark’s laugh is contagious 😂😂😂
Elephant seal wins that easy.
(rabies) ahahha he sees red
That squid would beat the bear. They don’t hunt big animals. But they will fight big animals!! They are huge lol a bear wouldn’t even want smoke 😭😂😂😂
This video has taught me that RDC bases animals ability to win a fight is attributed directly to their size.
what map are they fighting on is a valid question
Mark hoed the Blue Ring Octopus. Because its so small it would be hard for a Hippo to get a hit in and that Octopus has some of the strongest venom itw
This video heated me up ngl
I think yall need to stop doing these lol
Yall don’t nothing about animals ain’t way a grizzly bear boxing a squid in a pool yall can’t be serious the kraken is literally known to eat ships 🚢 a bear can’t bare catch fish
16:36 australia being a dark continent 😂😂
Damn Mark showing real character growth from the ignorance days😂