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About the Author: GARO NEWS 24


  1. How student can take Law and power of the nation in their own hand….. It's seems totally politics that Bangladesh students use as a weapon by some leaders..

  2. They dont have any humanity, an.tangtangni asongni father of the nationkon pe.e galahaode mai dongkuenga maming respect ba dongja maming manner ba dongja poraioba maming value dongjaha , like uneducated person kamchin mesokaha antangtangko,tomtomaniko rabana ine chanchigipaba ongja batesa sosojengjeng ongatenga.

  3. If You Bangladesh Islamists reject national Anthem because it was composed by Rabindranath(Thakur)Tagore,Hindu.Why not discard all together new inventions,like Telecommunications,means of transport,Information technology,Science,Math,literature because they were not invented nor written by any Muslim?

  4. Dasikari bangal ed manigiparang gasujokba box watan daldal gipa pickut bo kachape jamanode gakgu kaktak chroke rebagiparang garioni ga.akari ga akone ja.a be.a senga daktingareba sakinaa manaiasa bangalni senga dakakode nisonan manja mikronsa mesakbaaiade angade

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