She thought she was one of the dogs when she was a baby 😂
But now that she’s two, she takes care of them ❤️
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Her immune system is probably indestructible
Any kid who bullies her is probably not going to see the next school day.
I love the name river
I first thought this was gonna be about that Australian girl…seemed a bit dark of a story for The Dodo, tho..do
How can you make your dogs live outside and crate them.
Yeah this is not right it shouldn’t be posted it’s very concerning
child abuse omg , they're allowing her to drink outside muddy water, this is a NO for me sorry
Все так восторгаются имунной системой девочки…..люди,ей жить среди людей,а она знает только как пить воду из лужи….Маугли был хорош только у Киплинга.
How wonderful you are fostering now.
She is absolutely an angel how much she cares for them
See this is the way to raise children. They are never too young to be given jobs and responsibility
Roman herding her when she wanders off yanks heartstrings🫡🛡⚔️
ours lived to be 19, she was the best dog you could hope to be raised with.
Those are some well behaved dogs
Good thing that River grew past the stage of mimicing the dogs' behavior but in exchange she learned quickly to be gentle with them.
Children, playing outdoors, with animals. This is how childhood should be.
Hopefully this is just a cute little kid thing and doesnt turn into wearing a tail to school.
You are the vile mother who makes her child drink muddy water to make a video
Great parents and she will be a great human being
She’s got some fluffy brothers to look out for her
Es ist widerlich wenn Eltern zusehen, wie ihr Kind aus einer schmutzigen Lacke trinkt.
So, so cute
Dieťa treba chrániť pred zvieratami !!
I could watch this all day
Its like a story read to you before bedtime . What a beautiful life . I'm really curious what this little girl will grow up to be . Main character vibes .
Lol. At still calling him bada
Sooo cute
Im probally more of a cat😂
Sorry, but her drinking out of the puddle was disgusting. That’s so dangerous.
That' s a weird looking dog
Although I usually enjoy the content of this channel, this one disturbs me a lot. Reminds too much on hospitalism.
So what I’m gathering is send this to my dad and then convince him to get 5 more German shepherds.