Almost every day I come across different situations when people do their best to help animals that suffer. They cannot pass by these poor things. And, of course, they do a very important job because sometimes animals can`t live without this help. Here are 10 more cases of human kindness to animals in trouble.
Let`s go!
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If I found a deer I would take it home but my dogs could eat the deer ?
I was crying ??????????
that was butful ???
I love animals
The doges r cute
Who ever dislike will pay
I help ? when there stuck like my dog and help Bird when get hurt
Ahhhhhhhh SO CUTE
Hey my dad helped a animal stuck in something luckily it was completely fine????
Pepl are the best we havt to
be the sam
maybe one day the animals rescues the people that save them
people plz do Nate plz
Whoever disliked this needs to go to H E C K
When I'm older I'm going to make a stray animal sanctuary for all the stray animals i find!
I love the people that are nice enough to do this for the animals!?
ভাই আমাকে একটা সুজগ দেন।
we need to be like people in this vid when it comes to helping animals instead of staying on the sidelines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is it just me or is he saying this like he jumped in halfway of a news-article?
I love animals
me to
Im happy that people understand animals and save them ❤
My nickname in Animal Lady. I was given that name back in the early 90's by my sons and their friends when they were youngsters. Whenever the kids found a hurt or lost animal, no matter how small or big, they would send one of their friends to me to come and help or if they were able to they brought them to me. They brought me birds that were injured and couldn't fly, they took me to squirrels and one time my sons Hamster was just laying in the cage not moving. I got 2 toothpicks to open its mouth. I did CPR and rescue breathing on it for almost 15 minutes. Finally it started breathing and moving again. It lived for 4 more months until i finally died. Every pet I have had are ones that I found (or someone else did) in need of help. I even rescued a a baby raccoon and a baby skunk. A year ago I found an abandoned kitten who was around 3-4 weeks old. She now lives with me and I am her human and her slave…and I love it.
Exciting news a little. (It is super sad???????????)
I hope that the dolphin is ok
# savetheturtles!!!
sooo cuteeee
Maybe I can donate
I saved a bird that was through my chimney
The Story: a baby bird was trying to fly but the mother grabbed the baby with its feet and placed the baby go onto the chimney of my house, while I was planting in my front, I heard a strange noise and quickly knew that the animal needed help. Just as my dad was about to light the fire place, the bird cawed then my dad stopped, he called the bird rescue team, and I told the rescuers what had happen. We used a ladder and there was the nest of that cruel mother bird, and the baby bird was cheaping for help. One of the rescuers took the mother and placed it in a hole, she said the mother was dying so she didn’t want to care for her child after her husband died, so the rescuer which I call Dammy, had buried the bird somewhere while I helped with the other rescuer with a set of safety gloves. Since I was smaller, I slowly grabbed the baby bird and I got to go to the bird vet, it was amazing, there were parrots, birds, owls, and more cute flying creatures, there was even twin baby eagles cause the mother died in car crash, it says on the sign of what happened to them. It turned out the baby bird was ok. Ravi, as they called it, was taken care of. I was so happy that day, it happened on May 12th 2019 :3
Its really nice when people rescue other animals
These peoples are amazing