Real Ghost Caught on CC Camera Footage in SOFTWARE COMPANY
shadow ghosts appear as a shadow of sorts. They look a bit like ecto-mist but are dark grey to blck in colour.
In photographs, it’s easy to confuse them with natural shadows, so be careful with your analysis. They are usually
extremely sneaky and evasive. When they are spotted it’s usually out of the corner of your eye or as they are darting
through a wall. They can also be spotted as a reflection in shinny objects and mirrors. As for photography,
They are one of the rarest ghost types to be captured on film. Birds and cats are especially sensitive to them.
A disruptive ghost, whose activities are often violent. A poltergeist might move objects or create dangerous situations for
those in a household.These Ghosts are most commonly found in homes and houses, but they can be in schools, offices,
auditoriums, and even theaters.Some Paranormal researchers and some Psychologists actually believe poltergiest activity
can be caused by very strong psychic enerygy produced by people who feel angry or angsty, especially teenagers. At least
thats what the books say!
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