NASA Astronauts Complete All-Woman Spacewalk

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On Friday, Oct. 18, NASA astronauts Christina Koch and Jessica Meir completed NASA’s first all-woman spacewalk. During the 7-hour, 17-minute spacewalk, the pair replaced a failed power controller and completed several other tasks in preparation for future spacewalks.

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About the Author: NASA


  1. Exactly what they said this is normal and has been happening for years. Why would this be a spectacle? Way to go women!!? Umm ? go females… yay! Huuuuray hey girls you can do it too not that it was a problem before!!! Lol let’s create things that weren’t a problem before to make an example for people today yay!!!

  2. Well it’s just another EVA nothing special. It just so happens that they are both of the same gender. Most likely there will be more EVA’s similar to this.

  3. They wouldn't be there without affirmative action and lowering the standards. They would not be there if men did not Venture off into space, building spaceships and design them frist.

    All these brats had to do was cry and complain their way to space LOL they're cringiness, ignorance and emotions knows no bound

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