Rescue the Poor Dog Abandoned in the Landfills |Animal Rescue TV

Rescue the Poor Dog Abandoned in the Landfills |Animal Rescue TV
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About the Author: Mike Brown


  1. Pobre animalito vivir en la basura esto se me parte el corazón …??? porfavor ayuden a este indefenso ,está muy mal su estado de salud , quiciera ver su asistencia veterinaria y su recuperación…donen porfavor para que esto se haga realidad??

  2. What a really really sad way to live HEARTBREAKING gets me angry why nobody helped this poor dog ? they must be these kind of people that say (NO TIME FOR DOGS.. BASTARDS)

  3. Merci de le sauver aime les sauver les nourrices les soigner les aider les Ils sont tous amours e magnifique adorable Merci les abandons ces criminels et vous les condamné ils sont vivants ils ont mal ils sont tous amours e magnifique adorable comment pouvez-vous les abandons triste pauvre petit ils sont tous innocent Merci

  4. This is really really sad I am sick of all the dogs that are abused and thrown in the trash these poor babies do not deserve this treatment the world is full of horrible humans that think it's ok to abuse these poor babies but it is worldwide and if it was not for good people that find and treat these poor babies god knows how many would thank for helping this baby just hope it's not to late for her god bless her and everybody that has helped her ???????????????????

  5. PLZ UPDATE ? I don't how this world with this speed is going so that a lot of humans are not human anymore so they abuse animals or ignore the bad situation of the animals the world is dirty and the animals deserve more than this????????

  6. Ele deitado no lixo me cortou o CORAÇÃO, ele não merece,é um ser lindo de alma e coração e só têm amor pra dar,coisa que o ser humano não sabe,DEUS tenha misericórdia dele ,gratidão namastê à vocês que o salvaram DEUS os abençoe infinitamente gratidão namastê por tudo ❤??????????

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