Fails of the Weak: Ep. 277 – Top 10 Fails of 2015

Fails of the Weak: Ep. 277 - Top 10 Fails of 2015
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Geoff and Jack make a short return to Fails of the Weak to cover this special episode of the Top 10 Fails from 2015. FotW Volume 277 covers fails from Far Cry 4, Grand Theft Auto V, Just Cause 3, Last of Us Remastered, Mad Max, and Metal Gear Solid V. Join FIRST to watch episodes early:

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Fails of the Weak: Ep. 277 – Top 10 Fails of 2015


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About the Author: Achievement Hunter


  1. Whaat. I never even saw a crocodile in fc4. Didn't know they excisted before watching this video. I just swam around and my biggest fear was I bump into demon fish. How creepy is that. Would of shat myself if got attacked by a croc. Those things were my worst nightmare at fc3.

  2. The whole bye bye Teo thing. Well that exact same thing happen to me on a mission in which i was in the bed of a pickup truck, Mario was in the passenger seat, and a rebel was driving. A car slammed into me, blew up, and i was sent 100 meters into the air while the truck was sent 250 meters into the air.

  3. What about the Double Karma Destiny fail? I personally thought that was funnier than anything shown in this video. Unless that was 2014 but I don't remember.

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