This horse was so hungry that she stuck her head in an electric fence looking for food. But now she’s gotten plenty to eat and feels like a whole new horse. Today she’s about to find out she has a whole field of grass to run in!
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God bless people that love and take care of horses! ?
Love it, maybe there's hope for us, some of us.
So sweet and sad
When they realized they were free and they started running and bucking I started crying lol
Breaks my heart, animals are innocent, they deserve care and love! Thank you to all who helped rescue these horses!
People put these horses in a pen and don't allow it to eat. If they were let into the wild they would be able to at least fend for themselves. What is the fucking point to take a horse and just starve it to death. I don't understand. Humans are a disease of this Earth. Except for people like this
Girls be girls
Beautiful!!! They looked like little kids when they first get to play on the play ground at school!!!!! Great Video!
It's like they wanted to run!!! you should never keep an animal away from being free it's not your job or your place to keep them captive.
I soooo love this video. Thank you for sharing it with us!
They were happy beyond words they were ecstatic that was amazingly beautiful to watch. I'm crying tears of happiness for them
Thank you thank you, living the dream!
i was crying how happy
rosie is sooooooooooooo pretty
i did this too l have horses my farm is called southjerseyfreedomranch look on face book thank you for saving her life she would be dead
Aww what lovely horses I love it when people find these animals and help them, especially when it’s a case where everyone else has given up well done great job.
Beautiful horses. So happy they were rescued
Happy tears, God bless you all
How can anyone be cruel to any of God's creatures they have feelings they want to be happy also anyone that's cruel to any animal deserves to rot in hell.
I really hope Amanda ends up taking Rosie home they are so cute together
Horses are awesome animals; people who abuse them oughta be in jail for life. I have a horse and a donkey, and they’re so awesome to have around.
That made my day seeing them happy
The dodo is much better than peta
Thats wonderful I like see stuff like this
Beautiful ?????❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️?????
I teared up when they started frolicking in the open. So wonderful to see.
For these 3 horses, I’d give up all my property’s grass to let them have!
Brought tears to my eyes w/huge grin to see them run & frolick in that clover field!!
This video makes me love horses a lot more, and when they were running I feel like in their mind it was saying "FREEDOM FINALLY FREEDOM!"
Why do animals need to be rescued from human beings? Something is horribly wrong with human beings.
Shut the hell up fatso.
Once those girls started galloping I lost it. I’ve been riding for 6 years and I’m 14. Horses are my everything and are the best creatures ever. Even seeing horses who I never even met beating treated how the were breaks my heart. ????
So beautiful.
Gods gift to man
God bless your generosity and compassion❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Please if there's anyone out there that can help. My neighbor across the street lives on a small piece of land with lots of mud and junk around and there are 7 or 8 horses and several caged pitbulls living on his property. Horses are malnourished look like bone and the pitbulls look like they are suffering it looks like 6 or 7 pitbulls in an 8'8' cage or 10'10' cage both animals with no coverage always outside even if its snowing and freezing winds and rain. The horses keep escaping and running loose everywhere and on the roads where they can be hurt. Please if there is anyone reading this, these animals need help really badly. Please contact me. Thank you. Not sure if this family has a farm off site but the way they keep there animals on there property the entire family should be put in jail