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Video credit : komeilshahamat
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#animalrescue, #dogrescue, #rescuedog
Madre Santa!!! no existe la compasión hacia estas indefensas criaturas? Es terrible el maltrato y abandono animal . X favor autoridades apliquen castigos no sean indiferentes.ama y respeta a la animales .Bendiciones a mis angeles x la luz que les dan a mis criaturitas.
Getting them bath for the mange the worm bath and the medicine in the water and bathing them please take care of puppies
The poor puppies are very small they're sooooooo much hungry please take care of him them
Please do something about the poor puppies rescue and get them treatment they're sooooooo much pain and little Angels we have save Them The poor babies God bless him and give him lots of happiness and love thanks for the poor puppy rescue God bless you and your family
They are angels.. Thank you for the rescue we love guy's
É por esse motivo que clamo por Castração em massa. Para amenizar o sofrimento dos bichinhos vítimas de violência abandono maus-tratos. Poderia ser feito campanha pelas redes sociais. Eles não têm culpa. Os culpados somos nós! Parabéns!
Are they being treated for the skin disease??? and Lord knows what else they have, I hope they are treated and are in a nice clean place!!
Gracias por ayudarlos
Very Sad ?.. thanks for saving his life… god bless you
Gracias por ayudarlos. Dios los bendiga.❣?
God bless you???? Guys your work is really important and beautiful and lovely???????????????
Thank you for rescuing them from A LIVING HORROR and keep improving their health and diet until they SECURE A GOOD HOME Please.❤️?
Бедные малыши ??????? у самого слабенького уже истерика от такой жизни ???? СПАСИБО !!!❤??????
Thanks for helping out
A thumbs down to the piece(s) of ? who did this and a BIG FUCK YOU to you as well ?
Thank you??❤❤❤❤????
People who rescues animals, should have place in heaven!
We also save dogs, but only as much as we can
God bless you guys???❤
They will!
No not poor him! Omg! Help him! Not say that!
Heinous…too much! Omg lord have mercy
Too brutal!
Ludzie to karykatury
Love you pappy's thankfully your treatment save the animal save the planet
الهی بمیرم ای خدا این چه دنیایه چرا مردم اینقدر حقیر شدن به این زبون بسته ها رحم نمیکنن دست وپای شما رو میبوسم درود به شرفتون به هر چی دست میزنید طلا بشه??????????????♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
????????????????????????❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤????????? x que hay gente tan cruel mil gracias x salvarlos tienen el cielo ganado Dios siempre los bendiga. muchos abrazos y besos ?♀️?♀️?♀️?♀️????desde Tijuana Baja California Mexico ??
please don’t put them back on the streets, they’re not quite strong enough.
This is too much for me,I can't stand this horrible abuse , clinging together ,all they have is each other, and the sickness,for Godsake what is the matter with people.
دمتون گرم خاک پاتونم بخاطرخدمت ب این فرشته ها
Obrigada por tudo anjo ❤❤❤
Так больно смотреть на это бедненькие крошки как же так почему ведь собаки самые преданные животинки живущие на земле заряд бодрости антидипресант как можно так изголяться над ними не пойму спасибо вам что спасли и помогли дай Бог вам здоровья и всего наилучшего у вас чистые добрые сердца пивет из России
Poor babies!
Thank you for helping them..please do keep them safe..God bless you and the animals under your care..❤???❤