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2013? …. I just played with a guy named Fat Bastard 3 hours ago…. o.o
Who is NEil?
The Venomancer one made me laugh out loud.
ITs like,that tiny little blop from storm is his penis? π
That ult wouldn't have done shit to huskar anyway…
1:50 , ok just let me ask, why the fuck does a huskar needa Β BKB? he has like 98% magic resistance anyway
Dammit Im mad is Dammit Im mad spelled backwards
am i the only one thats tired of the dota 2 espanol guy telling us which episode it is in the comments?
Holy shit I changed my name to Fat Bastard awhile ago for a minute there I thought I time traveled to the past and made this video XD.
Some of these are awesome fails, but others are just really bad players…
who the fuck is zeno?
Can someone explain to me what happend with phantom lancer and pudge?
venomancer should be in top 10 not in the fail!!!
ur completly right
No he just said that he could find russian commentary here xD so actually this is absolutely ironic xD
I wish russians thought the same about communicating on English servers.
PS: Btw Im russian…
PPS: "Not enough russian comment there" is is a little bit more correct translation because it does emphasis on exactly that comment and exactly there
i think he said "this needs a russian commentator" π
Cus you're dumb as shit, son.
same in AU too lol
I had a game last week with 9 russians, and none of them spoke any english at all… weirdest game ever…
"There is not enough Russian comment =)"
there you go
"Im here, fuck you very much and good day"
3:48 " Activate Ghost scepter UMBMBMMMBMMBM!!"
Its a big fucking problem i have never had a game without russian or non english speaking players its fucking terrible
Russians play on chinese servers?
same in china as well…
Activate ghost scepter… WUBUBUBUBUBU!
Yeah. We want people that we can communicate with on EU! π
lets do sexual
worst bit about that comment the time in the comment "1:25" is after he said it
its from the greevil event. not a mod
i stopped playing on eu servers because i couldn't be bothered everytime i make a mistake having someone call me a cyka or spam fuck you in voice chat
then i went to the american servers
now i hear people speaking english shouting at south americans, mexicans and russians for being bad players and to get off their server
dota 2 everybody
That was the greeviling christmas map
At 5:30 the map and roshan have a modded look, how can I download something like this ??
Naga was singing in her death
Best venomancer play I have ever seen.
In fucking deed. Its the same in EU…
roshan's face xdxdxd 5:38
Even though you think he is wrong, you are the one who are wrong.
And I'm not american, by the way. I'm not a native english speaker, even.
The thing is, when you join a server located in a country with a different language, obviously everyone will speak that language.
It should be ok, but with Dota, a game with high communication requirements, it's not ok.
You simply can't tell someone to do this or that if they can't understand you.
why dont they destroy the wwards!?
But for example at EU servers there are a lot of diffrent languages. I'm from Poland and I can't speak english very well. Sometimes players report me for speaking polish with other guys from Poland. It's just not fair
take a minute and think about the words "US server", joining a server where you won't be able to communicate is close enough to leave the game right after it's started.
it was snow edition in the start of year
3:39 how do you get the ice map?