Wobbly Pit Bull Puppy Gets Sister Who Helps Her Run Again | This little puppy was so wobbly when she was adopted that she couldn’t even walk. But she really, really wanted to — and she found a dog sister who was willing to help her every step of the way. Today on Pittie Nation, prepare to be blown away by Edna’s pure pittie determination. For more of Edna and her adventures, you can check her out on Instagram: http://thedo.do/edna.
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For the love of animals. Pass it on.
She can do it ?
oh my god
Clumsy babie
I cried for like 15 mins holy-
My dogs friend ship is like this too ?
I just want to tell her even if she have problems, she's beautiful just the way she is.
She is perfect
Edna is suck a good dog and the dog who encouraged her thx cause she wouldn’t be able to walk without u
Stop getting this dog drunk!!!!
Stop getting this dog drunk!!!!
Me watching cat videos:?
Me watching dog videos:??
I just don’t understand WHY would people dislike this amazing video ?? thank you ❤️?? I will pray for you and your family ma’am
I adopted 2 blue nose pitts too ?
My dogs name is gertie and she's as caring
God bless u girl u are a sweetheart
I had first tears of joy at nine in this vid
Oh my God that is so heartbreaking but at the same time like awesome that she could walk and run again
My husband has a human version of this. It made me tear up. Our dog is my little miracle – her names millie
Rest in peace??
all these videos make me cry tears of sadness, then tears of joy.