Goodwill Cats Help The Guinea Pig Rescue!

Goodwill Cats Help The Guinea Pig Rescue!
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Goodwill Cats Help the Guinea Pig Rescue because they will enable us to do so much good for the animals. 20% of the proceeds go directly to Los Angeles Pet Rescue. eBay shop: The rest goes toward enabling me to Care for and Foster animals, volunteer, and create educational and entertaining videos to raise awareness around Animal Welfare and Rescue. Kindness can be fostered through the examples we share and the lives we lead.


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About the Author: Scotty's Animals


  1. My favorite guinea pig-related Goodwill finds have been a ton of C&C grids (like 30 of them), a nebulizer (for helping Phil with his hay allergies), and a children's book about a guinea pig who "wears" glasses. 😀
    Non-guinea pig-related favorite finds have been multiple skateboards/longboards, Heelys, nerdy T-shirts, Converse, Lego and K'nex sets, a "melted" clock, and a huge rat plushie. ^_^

  2. Scott, I think that is a great idea. I love that you prowl the thrift stores and are able to find such unique items that might interest your followers. It's wonderful that you donate a portion back to the rescue.

  3. Really cool finds Scotty. I use to do eBay alk the time, I'd watch my newspaper for ads for estate sales, you could find some really goid stuff at those

  4. I actually think its great that while you dont make much you still openly say "yes im going to make more from this but im giving a percentage to the rescue to". I think its an honesty that the world needs. You see so many "donate now" but you dont know how much goes were.

  5. This is so weird, I clicked your link and I brought me to the desktop version of Ebay, but on my Ebay app I can't find you, and that is set on worldwide search ?‍♀️

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