Lola very active play & jump in small cage | Lola play with bear doll.
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Welcome to Common Macaque Channel. I’m very glade to see you here. Common Macaque is a channel talking about animals daily behavior specially the monkeys life style in my area. Yes, if you are the animals lover you will enjoy with me here, sometime you can relax with the monkeys action, but sometime you may upset and sad as well.
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Common Macaque,
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Other than giving them a place to stay and feeding them, these guys are complete idiots. Cannot even keep a baby warm. Other lady in US uses heating pads. Somebody said that they cannot generate heat until 2 or 3 months. that's why the mother's carry them close to them until then. It's not just compassion. it's a real need for them to keep warm.
I think they killed Dalton. I watched a video on the 24th and he was breathing very fast and hard. They were also medicating him. Now no video on the 24th – nothing on the 25th. Some NGO – kills mothers and babies. Lady wouldn't let him on her. I think he got pneumonia. Cold. hard caregiver – no compassion. Hope they send them all to jail.
Now WLA has come to take Lola (I trust them as far as I can ser them) so that poor baby will never ser her mother again. They were so close this is a tragedy.
nature monkey vo has the title video saying Lola is going to WLA we will see and how come they didn't come get Dalton
please, what will happen to Leyla and Lola? they deserve to be together, Lola needs her mom, please what did they say when they took her? what's going to happen please no separate Lola and Leyla, who can give us information God. they can do something to return her with her mom???
Как надоели постановочные шоу!!!
Йодом помазали, банан вручили. И станет Лола следующим действующим лицом этого зоопарка.
Thanks all who helped stitch her up and save her. Poor Lola will be home soon so settle down peoples.
Lola will be taken back to her mom, and Dalton to Tima or Dana who both are in his troop. I hope it happens soon so all of the haters will go elsewhere to complain. ?
You better release her quick before the WLA guys come pick her up! Your NGO is a joke. You have no control over what happens to these monkeys. If you keep pulling these guys from their troops, you're basically a WLA clearing house. They make the rules. The NGO has no say in a country with the deep level of corruption that you have. If you care AT ALL leave the monkeys alone….and that means stop filming them too. Jesus Christ, it's about time they put their foot down with you. Lola is a HUGE money maker for all of your channels. With her gone, who will everyone bastardize next?
I hope all nations cut financial aid to Cambodia. I hope all these animal abusers receive the bad karma the deserve.
Poke that nasty rat with sharp sticks
Why is Lola not allowed to be in the big cage with Harper and Lucky?
When can Lola go home to her mother?
Eu sei que Lola esta sendo cuidada, mas ela não dorme NUNCA!??
Esta extremamente ESTRESSADA!!
I hope they take Lola back to mom…. Plus i hope when they do I hope Lola runs from her so called papa or bite him…?or hides from him…. She's scared being in that cage… ?…. Lola & Dana need to be back with there troops…. Free Lola&Dana…??
Tjis ape isn't playing. Its agitated, suspicious and frightened. It backs away all the time. Its suspicious of everything. The food left. Its frightened of being caged up, and the bear is an inanimate object it's investigating and biting.
???. Lola is used to running everywhere, it's time to find mom ????️?
Have a good sleep tonight Lola sweetie xxxooo. Rest up Papa Song????