Rescue Skinny Kitten From Sewer Highway | Adopted Animal In Crisis
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Rescue Skinny Kitten From Sewer Highway | Adopted Animal In Crisis
++ Please Subscribe to follow channel at: https://bit.ly/2UmAk29
++ Thanks For Watching ! Please Like Share & Comment If You Love Kittens
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Fake rescue
this is a fake video..
food before medicine
Thank you so much???????????❤❤❤❤❤?????
Ya TUHAN,kasihan banget..tolong terus bantu semua kucing yang terlantar..kasihan banyak yang gak peduli sama kucing liar..
Povero piccino! Affamato ed impaurito! Complimenti ai ragazzi!
Come si fà a portare in un posto così desolato, un micino così piccino? Pensavano che non lo sentissero. Invece…. Grazie ?
Can you let me know how this orange kitty you found in the highway sewer is doing? Is he alive? Did someone adopt him? Please update. Please.
Schön dass Sie das Kätzchen gefunden haben. Es braucht jetzt noch ein liebevolles zuhause. Happy new year.
hongkong watching ,thank you good man for saving life ketty.God bless you???????❤?
Nagy elismeres es hala ezeknek az embereknek az isten kegyen veluk egesz eletukben vigyazon rajuk ovja oket mindentol hogy meg nagyon sok elesett allatokon tudjanak segiteni jo egeszseget kitartast kivanok
I wish this had translations for what was said.
So. Why the kitten live there?
Take the kitty please ????????
I want to say thank you I thought you guys were hurting him but I guess you were just giving him shots that he really need it antibiotics I am so thankful that you guys did not hurt him he was hurting. God bless you guys and thank you for all the hard work you guys do God bless all the animals and God bless this little Planet 2
DEUS abençoe esses seres iluminados!
khank you
video yg aneh macamana mereka tahu ada kucing disana.waktu diambil kucing seperti sdh mau mati lemas tdk bergerak.sampai ditempat dibuka keranjang dikeluarkan kucing tiba2 sdh sehat
The food you offer this little kitten does not look nice – it looks burnt and brakish. Why did you not provide cat food? If a creature suffers from starvation most time it will eat everything even not good for healthyness. Why you are doing this? You have big motorbikes but not little money to feed this little thing??? Besides that I believe you've put this kitten to the sewer by yourself to make film about your "rescue". I like people helping animals in a misery but in this case it seems to be more pose than truth. And how you touch this little kitten – there is empathy missing.
Bless you guys for caring for God's amazing animals.
Great job, I hope that the cat found a nice owner ?. God bless you ?
Oh come on now . REALLY ? Who just drives around with a BASKET and a CAMERA MAN behind them . Yeah right? So they just HAPPENED upon this poor Animal in distress????? NOT . THIS IS ALL A SETUP . ALL FAKE ? HIW DARE YOU . These people put Animals in harms way on purpose to get views . Don't believe any videos from these foreign countries . It is all a scam to make MONEY. They should all be in prision . Anyone can make a SO CALLED RESCUE VIDEO. Vietnamese and Cambodian videos are well known for fraud. As well as from India . Be Aware . -????
god bless this cat i wish the cat the best of luck
شكرا لكم لمساعدة القط المسكين اتمنى ان يتعافى ?
What kind of stupid sound is that, it's not a kitten, it's repeated constantly, same over and over again! I wonder if these videos from this channel are even for real, they have strange ones sometimes, as if they put that animal in the situation it's in!
복받으실껍니다~~ ???????
Que casolidad que ben ho sienten gatito que no ben lo ponen ellos por grabar por dios denuncien estos vidios es maltrato por dios
????? бедный котёнок! Без вас бы этот котёнок не жыл!!!????
Малыш! Ты даже не представляешь, как тебе повезло! Теперь у тебя есть еда, дом и любящие хозяева! Спасибо за спасение !
Thank you guys ????