Natural Disasters That Might Happen in 2020

Spread The Viralist

Before 2020, watch this! With 2020 right around the corner its time to take a look at some natural disasters that may occur this year or in the near future!




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About the Author: Underworld


  1. Hey everyone! We will be taking a week or two off at the start of the year to completely rebrand the channel. Stay tuned for an update video!

  2. The Big One Earthquake will happen before 2045 it’s not guaranteed 2020 so let’s have a moment and appreciate that we’re still alive now California people including me let’s pray everyday so Jesus will proctect us until death ?

  3. Bad stuff can happen at any time, so let's make videos and dwell on it and stay fearful. There's already plenty of depressed or mentally unstable people and people that are addicts and people committing suicide. Oh, and Happy New Year to all.

  4. Toba blew up 70 thousand years ago and is currently considered inactive. It is a lake in Indonesia. The explosion 70 thousand years ago almost caused humans to go extinct.

  5. Even if the worst case did happen, a solar storm would NOT send humanity back to the stone age. It could not cause black outs around the whole planet; there is so much wrong with the reporting of events like this in the media. If you want to learn why black outs could not happen, research the differences between DC and AC grids and how they are differently affected by magnetic fields.

  6. This is about lies about Disasters i dont seen this real happen anytime soon in 2020 CA. to NV. and AZ bc of bad natural disasters never going happen like asteroids it did miss you tube never till peoples the truth are

  7. 25 million years ago ???? you actually believe that as well ????
    Do some real research and understand how they have engineered everything and lied through their teeth about everything! Believe the lies if you want, or research diligently and discover the real truth!

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