Wolverine to the Rescue! | America the Wild

Wolverine to the Rescue! | America the Wild
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Casey gets buried in a snowdrift… only to get pulled out by a tenacious wolverine.
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Wolverine to the Rescue! | America the Wild

Nat Geo Wild


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About the Author: Nat Geo WILD


  1. He actually wanted to take Casey out of there and not eat him.The guy was talking the whole time, the wolverine would've smelled if he was dead.The wolverine's excellent nose and acute hearing is never wrong.

  2. BS… A wild wolverine that was not. Children, or anyone else for that matter, DO NOT BE FOOLED. Wild animals are dangerous, and you can die from infection after they bite you. NEVER EXTEND YOUR HAND TO A STRANGE ANIMAL UNLESS YOU ARE WILLING TO BE BITTEN BY A DISEASE LADEN MOUTH.

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