Rescue Abandoned Bulldog In Cold Streets with Nothing to Eat But Leaves Happy Ending

Rescue Abandoned Bulldog In Cold Streets with Nothing to Eat But Leaves   Happy Ending
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Rescue Abandoned Bulldog In Cold Streets with Nothing to Eat But Leaves- Happy Ending.- ?? Subscribe Here:

Her name is Pumpkin.
She was abandoned with nothing to eat but leaves.
We rushed her to the clinic.
The Vets tested her for the viruses.
She had pneumonia and serious infections.
the Vets told us prepare for the worst.
But she had a good appetite.
She really wanted to live.
She ate and ate…
She had IV after IV.
She was so uncomfortable in her skin.
But the infections started to heal…
She started to feel more like her true self.
And began to trust humans again.
She was finally strong enough for her cherry eyes removal surgery, and spay…
Then before we knew it, it was time for her to leaves.
Road Dogs Rescue in LA found her the most amazing foster home.
She gets to eat so much more than just leaves now.
And her foster family became her forever family.
And with every passing day, She become more and more beautiful.

She has learn what family is…

Information Credit for all Rescuer & Donation please support them to Rescue more puppy if possible. You can contact them as below:


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All images belong to its respectful owner,
No copyright infringement is intended


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About the Author: Animal Rescue Dogs


  1. OMG! ?OMG!?
    NO ANIMAL SHOULD SUFFER HIW HEARTLESS AND CRUEL SOME ANIMAL ABUSERS CAN BE AND WHY? Just because animals can not speak does NOT mean that they do not feel any pain !!!! I can not as yet understand WHY are some people out there
    pretend to behave as though they do not know that ANIMALS feel exactly like we humans do AND have tumours/cancer and many others illness and diseases just like SOME OF US HUMANS
    DO!! Get some education about ANIMAL before deciding to have one

  2. Oh that sweet face!!! What a precious girl!! And so gentle with that baby! God bless you for saving this precious soul! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  3. J'en ai les larmes aux yeux…mais comment peut-on laisser un pauvre chien comme ça ?????????? J'ai honte de faire partie de la race humaine quand je vois des choses comme ça, mais il y en a quand même des bons…heureusement…Merci à ses sauveteurs  !

  4. Cada vez,, me Cuesta más, el ver éstos ANGELITOS, TIRADOS EN LA Calle.. Es horrible como tienen q. Estar.Este pobrecito con neumonía,, más las cosas q. Tenga.. Tenemos q. Ser más cariñosos con ellos,, ayudarles ,si podemos,, hay cuanto SUFRIMIENTO SEÑOR arrastran desde el día q. Nacen, porq. Muchos son quitados a sus Madres. Y abandonados..No hagáis eso,, pensar que acaban de venir al mundo,, y o se deben tratar así. .?????…

  5. What a joy to see these little animals that lost their desire to live and thanks to these beautiful people with great hearts who have given them the joy of health and life expectancy … thank you very much, angels of God .??????

  6. What a happy ending for Pumpkin! No dog should have to go through so much in its short life! She really looks happy in her forever home! She has a bff and a baby that will be her human BFF! She even has a Tom Brady doll to lick! Life is good for Pumpkin thanks to rescuers like you?

  7. Dogs know sadness, suffering, and pain. They are the same creatures as humans. There are too many people who do not know it. Do not keep a dog if you can not love it to the end

  8. Eles só querem um lar e ser amados, e quando aparece likes negativos são pessoas que maltratam os cachorros e os deixam passar fome e sede !!!

  9. I. Rely so much on my little dog to cheer me up and bring me joy ,she relies on me to feed her take care of her health and keep her safe.don’t get an animal if you can’t provide it’s basic needs ?‍♀️

  10. 1:32 "She had pneumonia and serious infections. The vets told us to prepare for the worst" ?
    But then she starts recovering. And then…
    5:23 "Road Dogs Rescue in LA found her the most amazing foster home"?
    5:41 Omg, this is TOO cute! ??
    Great job, everyone! Thank you so much for helping this dog! ??

  11. Как же люди равнодушно ходили мимо такого милого песика , больного ? Он очень хороший собакен , выздоровления ему и доброго хозяина .

  12. 痛々しいですね?でも最後は幸せそうでした✴助けてくれてありがとうThank You?優しくしてくれて本当にありがとうございます(*´ω`*)?

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