Sandra Teplinsky shows from the Bible why it is wrong to hate the Jew and Israel. Not only that, but you risk losing your salvation over it.
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Copyright Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! 2019
#SidRoth #ItsSupernatural #Israel
I don't hate the sinner I hate the sin. Whatever race of people you are I have never been against you, just your sins.
Anti-Semitism is increasing worldwide. But to say that one can lose their salvation through an act, means the person has something to do with receiving salvation to begin with. We are saved by grace alone – not acts. But acts can prevent us from receiving crowns and rewards in the heavenly Kingdom.
The problem is christians do not read their bible by the HolySpirit teaching or they would understand this situation differently.
God judges individuals.
The Israel of God is NOT an ethnic designation but a spiritual one. God’s covenant people includes ALL those who put their faith in the true fulfillment of Israel, Jesus Christ.
Yes, you can lose your salvation. The core of our salvation is repentance for our sins, which in turn drives us to turn away from our iniquities and make the effort to change. There are plenty of Christians who accept the lord, but backslide so far backwards that they don’t even see God in their lives anymore. Some sin, and others refuse to repent-this leads to damnation.
For those who think you can’t lose your salvation, need I remind you there are plenty of Catholic priests, Spanish conquistadors, Protestant clerics, Nazi commanders and Christian fundamentalists who are in hell for the evil they have done to humanity. You don’t get to steal, kill, destroy in the name of god without suffering the consequences; it would be a bastardization of gods law, and he will not suffer such injustice from man because it would pervert his teaching.
Hating anyone is forbidden, not just Jews and we are not to be respecters of persons.
You and Sid are wrong to tell such a lie. The only thing that we will not be forgiven for is blaspheming the Holy Spirit.
Sid, I Love ❤️ You, your Love, Kindness and Enthusiasm for Yeshua, His Word, and His Ancient Covenant People. I Love ❤️ your Show and your Faithfulness! You are so highly anointed, and have the Best Guests! GOD Bless You ? Friend Forever!
Why does this Jewish woman act so arrogant? Does she know Jesus as her savior Sid?
If we are in Christ, the blessings of Abraham come to us. Jesus is the only intermediary between man and God. Let's keep the doctrine pure and be very careful of heresies!!
A true Jew is someone who belongs to the family of God, who is blood bought by the blood of Jesus. It is not simply hereditary. Even in ancient Israel times,not all Israelites were pure by blood, but those who decided to follow the God of Israel could join his people. In heaven we will all be only ONE family, taken from every tongue and nation on earth…now one in Christ, the true Israel of God!!!
Antisemitic replacement theology startet early in the roman church. Please make sure you understand the issues in this comment from alef – taw / alpha – omega concerning Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur and Succoth. "A false witness will not go unpunished, and whoever pours out lies will not go free” Proverbs 19. How come Sunday-churches bear false witness of Messiah, and how dare they deny the seventh day even after they have been told of the difference between two and three nights ?
It stands heavy demonic deceptive powers behind gross darkness which make blind to the fact of Jonah with three nights, not two in the belly of the earth. The utterly false notion of death on good Friday which implies resurrection on Monday is root cause of braking the fourth commandment and Torah. The one sign of Jonah which proved Son of Man to be Messiah after three days and three nights expose heretic apostasy in church history`s "evil" Friday-Sunday narrative, which destroys the deeper meaning of baptism from the days of Noah to freedom from slavery in Egypt before journey to deliverance departing from Ramses on the fifteenth day of the first month. The Lamb of God was slaughtered on fourteenth Aviv before high sabbath to Unleavened Bread on a Wednesday before Thursday. He rose after three days and three nights before sunset on the holy set-apart seventh day of the week and seventeenth day of the month, which is the day the Ark of Noah landet to bring new future and hope under the rainbow of seven colours and final day of exodus. First Fruit is after the resurrection.
"For the Law was given by Moses, but Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ. ( John 1.17 )
To whom is the warning of virgins ? Some where from greek word “morai” which means "moron – stupid". Not my words. The sign of Jonah is mostly rejected, but should really be more that enough to wake people up. No way you find three nights from Friday until Sunday. It was still dark and it was given for a reason to expose deniers who bear false witness. A child can easily do the math. Sunday-churches lack oil in the lamps. For one, they don`t care about the most essential words about Messiah. Next, they have no clue of timing of he Feasts of the Lord. When the Lord says three nights, stupid virgins says two. When Elohim says day seven, they say one, based on a lie. The apostles met the first day of the week until midnight after the seventh day which ended at sunset, and met 85 times on the seventh day in Acts.
Three witnesses from the Lord, Peter and Paul "on the third day" should make it clear.
– Luke @ “This is what is written: Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day,"
– Acts 10.40 "God raised him from the dead on the third day"
– 1 Corinthians 15. "that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures"
It is always "days" – "day" – never night. If he died on day 6-6-6 of the week sign of Jonah is not fulfilled. It was introduced by heretic roman church to distance itself from jewish tradition, cutting itself from the root, to install the "venerable day of the sun", Sol Invictus, for its power of deception.
I am trying to tell Sunday-people in love that good Friday is pure heretic apostasy, but they don`t care. "Come out of her my people" Rev.18.4
The Lamb of God died in the ninth hour and was buried before sunset on Wednesday before a high sabbath. A hebrew day is "from even unto even, shall ye celebrate your sabbath." Leviticus 23.
In fact from good Friday is maximum one night and one day. Its open denial of the true words spoken of by Messiah.
"In the fourteenth day of the first month at even is the Lord's passover. 6 And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread unto the Lord: seven days ye must eat unleavened bread" . This is absolutely not about good Friday. The week had two holy days; one high sabbath onThursday, and one weekly on Saturday. He stayed in the grave from sunset Wednesday to sunset Saturday. Sign of Jonah connects Scripture and restore Torah.
Sunday-churches are not even able to see this pattern; "And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD" Isaiah 66. From First Fruit after Unleavened Bread March 25 with full moon, Israel became a nation on Shavout and Pentecost May 14, 1948, under beginning of "restitution of all things" Acts 3.20-22. Only Almighty Elohim, God of Abraham, Isak and Jacob can do such wonders.
Wow as a believer in Yeshua who is Jewish – there are people here who still hate the Jewish people posting ** – very sad…
When I became reconciled to Jesus, within me I had a supernatural love for the Jews and for Israel (implanted within me). God's Spirit will always love the Jews and His own land, Isra'el (His Name "EL" is in the land). Anything 'opposite' is not of God but of the world / adversary and subject to judgment.
Semite ——> 1.relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family.
2. > relating to the peoples who speak Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Arabic.
Synagogue of Satan Den of Vipers of their Father the Devil Talmudic Demons
Powerful! Thank you, Jesus!
Well guess what: Arabs are SEMITES too! So if you don't love Arabs just as much as Jews, according to this person, you could lose your salvation. It is TIME for Christians to stop praising and aligning themselves with a rogue nation and its criminal leader, and stop promoting war against all of the Arab nations. This is American politics, and it serves the military industrial complex and its evil agenda. It has nothing to do with the teachings of the Prince of Peace. Remember, GOD IS LOVE, and God is no respecter of persons. Yes, Jesus was born a Jew. That does not mean we are to vilify and castigate everyone who is born a Muslim. That's ridiculous! People grow up in a particular culture, as a Protestant, Jew, Muslim, atheist, Catholic, Buddhist, or whatever. They have no control over this and it's not a character flaw! Most people accept their parents' religion and stick with it — probably MOST people do this. Very few convert to other religions. Let's wake up and grow up emotionally, and start loving EVERYBODY.
Sandra going to everlasting destruction for not putting her faith solely in Jesus. Read Galatians.
Sid… WRONG title for your video.!!!
It’s a ugly spirit, you need deliverance if you hate.