7 Myths About Pit Bulls That Are Complete BS | These pit bull myths are the silliest ?
Special thanks to AMA Animal Rescue: thedo.do/ama. Additional thanks to Hope for Paws: thedo.do/hfp.
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\ There are no bad breeds. Which form of innocence can be bad?
I got chased by two pit bulls on my bike a year ago
Great video! Thank you for spreading the real message. I've razed them my whole life, and I've been fighting the malicious lies and rumors that follow these dogs just as long!!
Retrievers retrieve. Hound dogs sniff out animals etc . Pits were bred to fight bulls, dogs and al types of animals . I love pits and I'm happy ppl are adopting them but if you've never had a dog or know nothing about what these dogs were bred for I wouldn't reccomend adopting
I want a pit bull now??
1:58 I did not expect that ? very vocal are we?
They are only mean if you hurt their pack like any other dog
There not crazy there lazy!
Chuhwhahwhahz are the actual Hellhounds!
7 is the only myth here
Pitbulls are just big babies
Not all pitbulls are the same, just as not all Rotties are the same, but to think that your friendly and non-threatening pitbull represents every pitbull on earth is false. There are some pitbulls that are super animal aggressive. Having said that, most pitbulls are people friendly and majority of cases where pitbulls caused serious harm to other pets and humans is caused by dumb and pitiful humans mishandling the animal due to ignorance, neglect, and insecurity in themselves that wants to compensate by wanting a tough dog. Some pitbull owners are very responsible, but this type of dog sometimes attract the most loser human beings who should not have such awesome and wonderful animals such as pitbulls. My favorite breed is AmStaff, so I am a fan.
I’m showing this to my mom since she doesn’t believe me
If you like them or not just face the fact that they were bred to kill and attack
I adopted my first pit a little over a year ago. Everything that video said has been 100% true…… “heart as big as their heads” I loved that
They say Pitbulls are aggressive by nature..
No! Pitbulls are mostly abused, that is why they A. 'bite, show their teeth, or growl'.
I had a talk with a friend at my school, he got a new dog and it kept on biting and biting him. At first I thought the Pitbull was just teething.
We later find out that the dog was beaten almost to death.
It has been nearly a year since we found that out
the dog is living outside, my friend let's him in on rainy nights, they let him eat inside. And when the dog doesn't wan't to come back out. We let me him sleep on the edge of our bed
None of these dogs are American pitbull terriers, they are staffies and bullies. Two breeds that are mixed with many breeds. If you want to see REAL APBT look up ADBA shows. There is a standard to this breed and mislabeling is the biggest threat to the true apbt.
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I sing to my pit as well mainly I like using " hes the best awound nuttin ever gonna get him down" or " hes a buda baby cause he got a buda belly " . Yes I'm legally an adult and no I'm not insane .
Yall dont trust pitbulls around new people when my dog met my mom she licked her ?
Both mine sleep in bed with me
Dogs aren't your best friend Pitbulls are
I feel like people dont talk enough about how intelligent they are. Smartest dog I've ever had and ALWAYS want to please you. Awesome dogs
Damn my mom's cutting onions again
Thanks you for telling people about pitbull .
Once a very close family friend had a pitbull since he was a puppy. They treated him excellently and trained him well and he was a loving dog that me and my whole family would play with, but one day he was eating his dog food and a blind dog walked into his leg and the pitbull bit the blind dog in the neck and killed him. It was devastating and then the Pitbull had to get put down aswell. I feel really bad knowing that this beutiful dog would never do such a thing, but the dog just lost control.
This makes me happy because I know this is a compilation of previous videos with these owners that spins at least five to six years and a lot of it seems to be new footage they're being interviewed the same questions and even though they're giving different answers they're still something similar that they all agree upon with each question
Honestly they're the only breeds I know that can smile
I love pitbulls. When I was watching this my baby (my pitty) was laying his head by me
I love you, my pittie parent friends.
Every dog is an angel, but pitbulls will steal your soul, They are adorable and smart. I have one and it is a dream
My family adopted a pitbul that was going to used for fighting, it got ears nipples and tail choped off… it wont hurt a fly its the chunkyest kindest thing in yhe world
Love my pitbull. Bestest, most loyal, do I have ever had.
These are amazing dogs!
Now that i love pitballs from these videos i always look at them on the streets and their owners get pissed cause it looks like im judging them???