These are some of the scariest daylight ghosts caught on camera!
► For copyright matters please contact us: OfficialAmerikano@hotmail.com
These are some of the scariest daylight ghosts caught on camera!
► For copyright matters please contact us: OfficialAmerikano@hotmail.com
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How do you know all this. ??
Yeah the Ghostnado segment was taken from St. John's Hospital (now Mercy Hospital Joplin) in Joplin MO when the EF-5 tornado hit back in 2011. It was not a ghost, just mother nature.
14 is a tornado, I've seen that clip before
I don't think I like your editing.
Why add stupid cut ins to already fake video..?
i have always thought that the ghost shows on t.v. are dumb. they always have to do them with "lights out" that just sets the mood and increases the power of suggestion. if there is a ghost it doesn't care if the lights are on or off.
What was that that snatched the little girl lying on the floor? That didn't look like a ghost to me.
I always dislike this guys videos
#14 yh ummmm that was a tornado. Nothing SuperNatural bout that. If you cant tell the difference between a tornado and a ghost,then yh bring back the other guy.
#raretopic it couldve been made by someone or it could also be a tree creature but thats my opinion
That damn thumbnail ????
I don't know how many if any of these are real, but they are cheap and entertaining so if any of the victims see this review then I thank you for having the crap scared out of you for our entertainment.
No 14 just like it struck by an earthquakes
3:07 a tornado hits the room – its no haunting
These are the dumbest videos not a single one is viable
I want to see the bold move and zigzag patterns because I think it's just a powerful magnet under the floor pulling the bowl
Total load of fucking pish!
You’re taking the piss with these ????
Omg! Are you Serious Amerikano?! lol it sure as Hell wasn't a Ghost, it's called a Tornado or a Hurricane.. your Hilarious man lmao xD
Fairy's are known for having many forms and take children as slaves!! Or a witches familiar?! You never know wtf is going on these days !??
The rare topic one is more fake than my girlfriend 😀
That ghost in the thumbnail picture is probably DARKRAI?
number 14 was a tornado that passed by the hospital it must have been close by
number 14 was confurmed to be a earth quake!
U will sell anything to your audience to get views as of now pretty much. I guess it's time for all youtubers of paranormal channels to give up and change subject cos all y'all are using the same videos digging up 10 year old videos that everyone has seen before??? How long can U keep it going for Amerikano chill sir spooks etc???????
Ok the little girl being dragged under the bed is fake it was done by a group of film students I think they were from Europe somewhere I seen the making of it
boy on bike, Clearly fabricated / edited as the bike passes the door way.
1:44 That scarecrow art piece is the work of an artist called "PumpkinRot".
One day as I was watching a video I heard a creepy noise it was night at the time and nobody was in the room only me.
#RareTopic looks like GROOT'S brother is angry at humans
Please tell me you are joking with these videos right ? half these are known fakes. In Fact, I'm pretty sure the one with the girl and the bed was produced by her father. I remember seeing something about it on the news or Ellen or somewhere? Dude you need to do some serious research before posting this trash you call "paranormal", please.
If you can't make out day and night, you most definitely can't make out what's real and what's not
Why do i always got like before i start watching these videos!??. I am setting a bad example sorry
Hey!! Why 6 ads during the video???
cool scarecrow
The little girl being snatched is staged. Thats her father under the bed with a wolf glove on. "Child was never seen again." Oh really!!!