Our compilations are filled with ultimate and epic fails, stupid fails, pranks gone wrong, people getting owned, bloopers, accidents, stupid girl fails, animal fails, funny moments, funny videos and more fails from 2020!
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Stupid People and Epic Fails 2018 | Fail Compilation
Instant Karma – Instant Justice | Stupid People Fails Compilation
Stupid Stunt Fails | Stupid Fails | Fail Compilation
3:08. ???
What a goofball.
Look at my jugs
Aaaaaaaaa mien ?
These are great! Love your uploads!
Does anyone actually buy those ugly ass clothes
not gonna lie, i like your comps but on one video i noticed you disabled comments, not cool, if there's one thing that will make me ignore and hate on a channel it's disabling comments….that said it appears you don't normally do that and that was a special case, still kinda annoys me and am going to hold off on subb'ing for now but will do so in the future as long as i see that's not a common thing for you…..it's better to just delete the offending comment or just sack up and let people say whatever they're going to say, if there's bad stuff in the comments let youtube deal with it.
ok, with the bitching out of the way, thanks for what you do, i appreciate the entertaining comps and hope that you're getting compensated at least a bit for your time and efforts….look forward to seeing more from you and will be checking in to see what's new in the future. take care failgag bro and keep it up, the vids are good and with enough sub's it should bump you up in the algo and you'll be on your way, the content is good, you just need more exposure…i could see you having 1m+ subs one day with just a bit of fine tuning and a bit of luck! thanks again for what you do!
8:54 She barely tickeled that sign.
3:32 She looks like Arianny Celeste (Overhaulin')
That laugh at 210 tho was the real fail
nice sounds