Neville Goddard "Life and Death" (Various Lectures Compilation)

Neville Goddard "Life and Death" (Various Lectures Compilation)
Spread The Viralist

Requested by Reza Khanaky

You came into a world of death. The body you now wear will return to dust from whence it came; but you, its occupant, cannot die. Rather, you will simply dream yourself into another body of death, animate it in a terrestrial world like this, and continue to do the same things you are doing here. You will be in an environment which the depths of your being finds best suited for what He still wants to do, and you will continue doing it until you awaken in that garment and fulfill scripture.

Then you will take off your garment of death and return to the glory that was yours before that the world was. We knew each other intimately before we descended, and we will know each other just as intimately when we take off all of these masks and ascend.

— The Mystery of Inspiration (lecture)

If you die tonight your belief will not be transformed, but you will be restored to life in a world just as real as this one. You will know the same limitations as you know here. You will suffer, be deceived, betray and be betrayed, until you believe to the point of action. Then scripture will unfold within you, and you will depart this age of death to enter the age of life by controlling your own wonderful human imagination.

You sent yourself into the world for a purpose and you will not return until you have accomplished the work you came to do. Death does not finish the work God began in you, for the world does not terminate at the point where your senses cease to register it. You may no longer hear, touch, or see, the one you love; but when you leave this body you are instantly restored to one which is as solid and real as the one you now wear. You will be about twenty years old, in an environment best suited to the work yet to be done in you. While there, you will hear these words and you may still refuse them; but God is not mocked, he will try again and again until you hear them with understanding. Then you will begin to live by God’s word and awaken to discover that you are He. That you are the one spoken of in scripture, and all the promises of God find their Yes in you.

— The Core of Man (lecture)

Then, one day, you will awaken to enter into and become one with the garment that was yours before the world was – to be one of the watchers from above, contemplating the world of death and eagerly awaiting the return of all your brothers. You and I were before that the world was. We still are, but we do not recognize one another. And when this world ceases to be, we will all be enhanced by reason of the experience of coming here and conquering death.

What I am telling you, I know from experience. I am not speculating or theorizing. In the world of Caesar I am weak and limited; but I know what I have experienced and I cannot deny them.

— Jeremiah;s Discovery (lecture)

While you are here in the world of Caesar, use what has been revealed to you tonight for yourself, then for others. Make your world more beautiful. Have a little wine for your spirits sake by not just drinking the psychological meaning of scripture, but by putting it into practice and applying its truth. — God Only Acts (lecture)

The truth is that no one is dead to you, when you know how to pray. You may no longer touch, see, or hear those you love with your mortal senses; but if you know how to give thanks, you can move from your body of darkness into the world of light and encounter your loved ones there. Therefore, he who would learn how to pray will discover the great secret of a full and happy life. — The Secret of Prayer (lecture)

Falling asleep, God breathed upon your body and it became animated, as He dreams your world into being. One day God will awaken and all of your confusion will end. Then you will take off your garment of death to return to the being you were before that the world was. You will be enhanced beyond your wildest dreams, for there is no limit to your expansion and translucency. A limit was set to contraction and opacity, which is the body of death called Man; but your expansion and translucency is limitless. — The Mystery of Inspiration (lecture)


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