Top 5 scariest videos of ghosts captured by ghost hunters and regular people. These scary videos will give you chills. Ghosts, poltergeists, shadow figures, paranormal activity, apparitions, and entities all caught on camera.
Links to the original posts… * Scary video
#5 Paranormal Investigations Inc. : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=341CHfr-_CM
#4 Bizarre Tesla Ghost https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/etbpab/for_you_tesla_and_other_ev_fans/
#3 Door Slamming Poltergeist by PXTV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGslkgCl2M4
#2 Shadow Person In The Hallway https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/erhq7i/shadow_person_walking_across_the_hallway/
#1 Franko TV- Parnormal Poltergeist In the Graveyard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTt0I37_7BM
If you enjoyed these Nuke’s Top 5 lists, also check out Top 10 SCARIEST Ghost Videos You’ve NEVER Seen ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBFEgiC8p70
The Door has magnet in it !:v
Man, I adore your voice
Why ghosts just open or close doors ? Why they don't slap ghost hunters right in their face ? It should be very funny and scary !!
Just wind closes door.
Nuke is busy editing the video and suddenly door opens and nuke look back .
Ghost – Hey Nuke Be ready My 5 friends are Just Standing In front of you .
Nuke – Top 5 Ghost Caught on my Laptop Camera
I’d bring a gun to an investigation. I’d have it ready to fire then record evp’s like “aight ghost. If you want this smoke make your presence known”
(Enhanced audio): “ghostly firearm getting cocked” replayed 4 x’s
People thanking a spirit for opening and closing a door. Now I've seen everything. Lock the door and if it opens and closes then I'll be freaked.
I can't believe how freakie these clips are. I took a break from your channel for a while and man… I wasn't afraid before? But I am now. Gotta get use to your videos again. xD
Nuke's: "Top 5 ghosts, caught on video".
Ghosts: "Top 5 humans, caught scared".
Yoooooo at 6:52 there is a face behind the women's head!!!!
6:48 happy dude, 6:50 get out of the way face!
PLEASE bring out some merch!!!!!
The ball in the last video could have been polystyrene… the wind did an elaborate hoax 🙂
Most of them are pretty convincing ? I absolutely love your narration I watch your videos to help me sleep at night keep doing what your doing???
After watching other top 5 ish channels, without doubt, this is the best one…
7:08 why did u say wind like that lmfao, sounded like somone put ice behind your neck
You know, some of us are actually interested in studying the unknown and the ghost phenomenon. It's really irritating how people muddy the waters by blending entertainment with supposed "paranormal investigations." There is no technology that is any way designed or scientifically verified to measure ghost activity. Ghosts have not been proven to exist and so you can't have a device that is "proven" to measure them. Things like "spirit boxes" are just nonsense. They are pieces of technology that rely on intentionally flawed designs, the more glitches and random results the better. Putting captions on inaudible nonsense noises can create the illusion to the viewer that they are hearing what the captions say and further confuse people about the nature of these devices. Please, let's all get together and help inform the public of this nonsense that gets in the way of real inquiry and study. No more dust orbs, no more EVPs, no more fanciful backstories, imaginative "ghost tech" or other nonsense. Please.
Great vid – The first clip would have been more scary if the guy in the clip wasn't using his door bell speaker – to take ghost readings! 😉
When will short vids/memes come to the comment sections?
everytime franko_tv comes on, i just get even more scared. And that dude does all this shit alone… he's crazy
1:58 it's the candle you idiot
0:48 that "Yes, sir" seemed quite polite to me. Didn't give off negative vibes, unlike the following demonic "get out".
Wait a minute at 13:26 when there is a new of Frank walking there looks like a shadow passes by the camera it's gray and mist like idk how to explain it but it is creepy plz see if you see it everyone.
The light in the first video is a tiny candle you can see it really clearly, it's still creepy though bc it goes out right away
2:55–2:57 seen it
"Unexplained ball movement."
Tries not to laugh, but fails.
That was the best part of the video. Small stupid things like that are hilarious.
I love FrankoTV! He’s one of my favorites 🙂
The people in the 3rd video are so respectfull! That is how you must treat the paranormal
Ghost: Yessir
Was that just nuke at the end by 13:25 –13:27 where that thing passes by the camera or what
Thes is really scary me I am 7Are you old
#5 That isn't a light, that candle lit itself then went out by itself.
gimme that Tesla
and then things going to get bizzare
me: why do i hear boss music
pxtv all about subs money so much haunted stuff is just not, but don't take my word for it look at him doing evp work and from small movements with jackets to normal noise and the other groups he works with its all so fake ,but again its only my opinion .
First video…It could be a ? they didn't panned their cam to the right part of the altar…
What if you make a vid about aswang or top 5 aswang caught on camera a urban legend in phillipine
You can include haunted scenes from channel WOH KYA THA THE OFFICIAL
It's damn haunted
At 7:50 when the opens the door it looks like a shadow is standing at the corner
So that car is a "very haunted" place too? ?
Can i PLEASE PLEASE get help finding a video???
I saw it in one of nukes, it was someone from Jordan or Arabia exploring a house. There were lots of balls of paper. They opened up a red ball of paper and spontaneous combustion occurred. I'm doing paranormal research and id really like to find this video, it is incredible stuff.
How come ghost are always sneaky. Just pop out and say boo!!!!
Boy Alia&Hassan better watch out messing with a jinn they need to remember that the jinn was never alive, at one time,so they need to be very careful with that jinn
At 13:25–13:26 there's a shadow moving in the top left of the screen, maybe a bird? But disappears quick. Right after Nuke says "hoax" haha
I'm eating a Skor blizzard from Dairy Queen rn, can my blizzard get a like??
Husband: im gay
Nuke:is he really gay or it is just a elaborate Hoax?
"Very scary"