In this very special episode Brady goes behind the scenes at Johnson Space Center to look at priceless rocks collected from the Moon. More links below ↓↓↓
Featuring Ryan Zeigler, NASA’s Apollo Sample Curator at Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas.
Special thanks to Destin from Smarter Every Day for organising and filming this video.
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They only raised the security of the moon rocks after they were stolen. lol
There are claims that when samples given to Swedish Royals were tested they were fossilized wood.
What are the unique characteristics of moon rock?
How can they determine the age of moon rocks but not the age of rocks on earth?
awesome, thank you for another cool vid!
Came from Destin's channel, his was great, yours is even better. Brian's material (though obviously well rehearsed) was wonderfully informative.
Why you add filter when close up to the rock, it ruin color fact.
Lucky i get true HD and closed real color from SED.
5:00 His voice even sounded a little like those old transmissions recordings for a second there. So amazing.
this is look so real. Why they said moon landing is fake?
On the future of Objectivity:
Why don't they use argon as an innert gas protectant? It's as nonreactive as nitrogen if not moreso. Also, argon is denser than air, and so displaces the air, more effectively keeping contaminants away from samples. It's doubtful that the samples have been rigorously protected from oxygen given the protocol illustrated in this video. Are there any moon samples that are more pristine?
Some of that rock looks like melted sand that turned to glass ( Moon Glass )7:00
Did any Moon rock have gasses trapped in them, if "Yes" did they test that gas to see whats in it or what it's made of. 5:47
Who and how did they make all that ultra clean before that place was used to store moon rocks , how long did it take to get all that work done before anything from the moon could be put in there , starting date and time to finish date and time.
How does it compare to the Luna samples?
This video of Objectivity is for the 50th anniversary of the first man ever to walk on the moon. Thanks to NASA!
Watched the three videos, thanks for your work guys!
2 beards walk in to a clean room…
So we HAVE been to the moon Several Times!! This video should go viral and end the controversy
The guy said no amount of money you could give me would allow me to go get new ones to replace them. Well…… if you gave him enough money he could have a new rocket built and hire new astronauts and go back to the moon and get more.
How did we find the age of moon rocks ?
In 2015 NASA still did not have 3D scanners to replace photography? wow.
I thought that because matter is not created nor destroyed, everything had the same age as the entire universe..
PHENOMENAL….Thank you…
Came over from Smarter Every Day to watch this four year old video about moon rocks because science, got an email at work today about old rocks and new science, read article that name drops Robert Ziegler and talks about how as a new grad student in '98 he was surprised scientists still studying rocks from the Apollo missions, circle back to discover he was that guy at Johnson Space Center and still pumped about science but now with a majestic beard.
Let me guess , you waited to publish this at the 50th anniversary of Moon landing, right?
Those rocks are older than dirt.
There is no way they can date these rocks accurately ! They are going by faulty theories made up by atheistic so-called scientist to prove their point. If you work at one of these organizations and you disagree with their theories you will be ridiculed and then fired !
I've worked on anorthosite from the Bushveld Igneous Complex (worlds largest layered mafic intrusion) and impact breccias from the Vredefort Impact Crater (one of the largest terrestrial impact craters) and seeing these rocks is really quite eery and interesting because they look so familiar and close to home, yet they come from the moon!
Gifts of moon rock were made by the US to many nations and according to Wikipedia, of the 270 gifts, 180 are unaccounted for. Some were sold and some were lost, through accident or sheer carelessness i.e. ignorance.
Some where a fake moon landing nutter is punching his wall and slamming his desk and screaming like that kid who's mom took a way his xbox.
Smarter dude brought me here
I don't know Rick…. This looks fake 🙂
So…other than a 'guess' of how the moon was formed, what else has been learned? Are they not telling us anything else because, there IS nothing else??
Tell them the one about Buzz Aldrin selling his moon rock that was proven to be petrified wood. It's all Fake folks. We Never went to the Moon. The 28 volts they had can in no way produce the thousands of watts needed to move a Anolog tv or radio signal 220000 miles which is the distance they believed it to be back then. We don't have the tech to do that even today nor could they talk to President Nixon Live with No Delay – The Earth moves and is spinning right.. so is the Moon.. No line of sight! LOL You simply Cannot get around these Facts. It's a Hoax!
Objectivity #32, Brady had already hinted at this episode
I enjoyed all three videos about this facility. But I would ask different questions. Eg., "When you send a rock to a university for study, do they generally, always or never send the rock back here?" And, "What form of transportation do you use to carry the rocks to the universities? Do they ever travel by air? Or by any commercial means like FedEx?" And similar questions that pertain to their safety and safe keeping. But nobody asked these questions. Sure, one of the videos mentioned the two-person combination lock on the vault door, and one video mentioned the two-key locks on the samples, but generally I was sad that these issues weren't covered.
SmarterEveryDay! Great video!
This was called the Pet Rock Project and everyone who wanted one got one and they went out of business now they aren't worth a plug nickel.
Cap covers the head so that hairs don't fall down or get blown…don't they need to have covers for beards too? ?
Why do people have to wear hats to cover their hair but do not have to cover their beards?
I love rocks!
For a space company, Nasa are pretty stupid. Why make that really thick door when you can just drill a hole in the wall ??