8 Cute Puppies Lost Mother.. Rescue Puppies for a New Mother

8 Cute Puppies Lost Mother.. Rescue Puppies for a New Mother
Spread The Viralist

There are 8 puppies in the forest garden. We did not find their mother. We take him home, and give it a new mother.
Please share videos, for this great love.


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About the Author: Trần Thế


  1. look's like a drama. I'am appreciating for your care to the puppies, but in the begining of video, i think you already know where the puppies are, somehow, you cover it up with the branch and pretending to find them. I don't know what is your pupose. But still, appreciating to your care for the puppies.

  2. 이것도 연출이구만 구조해주는새끼 오기전에 사진찍는놈이 먼저 찍고있네
    에라이 개자슥들아

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