Funniest Social Media Fails Of The Week #5 – REACTION
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Hey ya’ll! Today on my channel we are reacting to some of the funniest social media fails of the week! Enjoy 🙂
#socialmedia #socialmediafails #failsoftheweek #fails #fail #epicfail #reaction #charlottedobreio #react #reactionchannel #charlottedobreio #charlottedobre
Hi, I’m Charlotte Dobre. I’m an actor, reactor, singer and sometimes (not really) comedian. On this channel I do reactions, commentary and occasionally I crack a joke or two. I upload daily, usually 7 days a week, unless life gets crazy or I get lazy. Come hang out, it’s a good time.
Follow Me!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/charlaychaplin
Twitter: https://twitter.com/charlottedobre
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@charlottedobreofficial
Edited By Kelly Paoli
End screen song:
Take It All Off (Feat. Charlotte Dobre, Sam Klass) – Defunk
How is everyone’s weeks so far??
Music lovers should know Beethoven lost his hearing. He still composed and conducted. His music is much louder and a different style because of it.
The confusion over changes to DNA is that everything in the environment changes it (like pollution) so we study twins DNA over time. It is actually the switches around the strand getting turned off and on. I was surprised about the effect of prior generations food intake changing the genetics of succeeding generations. This is all simplified of course but it is your DNA so you should read about it. I think I saw a TV show so maybe someone will post it to utube.
Google says most common translation of Diego into english is James. So San Diego is Saint James.
How can some offer sick days to somebody else?
The stolen car crash was more of a "Love Connection"
I spent a good 3 minutes of this video trying to wipe of a black bot of my table screen only to realise its a peace of fluff in her hair, . I feel super retarded today.
I get distracted very easily and there is a tiny piece of fuzz in Charlotte's hair on the left side (her right) that I can't stop looking at lol I'm sorry..
*uses JustWatch to find out where I can watch ' Twister'*
I think the straws should be wrapped up in something to prevent sicknesses. Imagine the paper straw just attached to the box without covering, how many people are touching it with god knows how dirty hands before you put it in your mouth?
Congrats on getting your drivers license!! I just got mine at 36! So happy for you!!!
Hi Charlotte, I enjoy your quirkiness. Yes I'm subscribed, and yes I watch most of the commercials (I do skip the drug commercials, though, After working in healthcare for 30 years, I find them almost as offensive as pedophilia). Anyway, when you asked why straws are a thing, I wondered whether you'd seen this video
Keep laughing!
Paper straws disintegration in my mouth while I’m drinking is gross ?
No “San Diego” is a saint is a spanish word.
The article about the woman abandoning her son: "In the hardest moment of my life when my husband should be next to me and support and help to take the right decision, I could not find any support from his side," she wrote. "After that incident, he left the hospital notifying me hours later that he was taking the kid with him, that he is going to leave the country for New Zealand and I do not have anything to do with the situation. Without giving me any option and trying to find with me any solution in this hardest situation, he started to circulate the story on every possible platform without even trying to give me a voice accusing that I put him an ultimatum marriage or the baby, which is absolutely not true. I tried several times to communicate but he never tried to listen me and to find common solutions. The only response was the accusation from his part."
Nestlé is an evil corporation, trying to take over the world. That being said, every little helps and switching to paper straws is a good idea. There are very strict laws when it comes to hygiene, so they may not have been able to come up with a solution on how to follow these strict laws to protect the straw and stay within budget. But it's a start. 🙂
It should be "Do not climb, or play, on and around pipe." Not "Do not climb, play on, and or around pipe" I don't understand why she said it needs the "or" before around….
How else are they going to keep the straws sanitary? It's not a 100% improvement, but the straws are A LOT more plastic than the thin packaging for them.
The cancer one pisses me off. If you are genuinely sick and in the hospital you should not be in risk of losing your job. Ever.
I’m sorry is no one distracted by the black piece of fluff in her hair on the right side driving me crazy lol
I don't like Neil Degrasse Tyson, he denounced Pluto, Pluto was always my fave planet as a kid, so Neil can kick rocks ?