Earthquakes and water led calamities in 2020.The capital city of Delhi also gets effected

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From 22nd May to end of August – earthquakes, excessive rainfall, flooding, tsunamis, India will see natural calamities
Astrology 2020, Vedic astrology, vedic astrology predictions, astrology predictions for 2020, astrology predictions for india, astrology predictions delhi, astrology predictions earthquake, astrology, maneeza ahuja, astrology remedy, astrology hindi


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About the Author: Maneeza Ahuja


  1. Ma'am there are 2 days left for August to end and your prediction says upto 31st Delhi is in trouble. I hope the time for calamity is over.

  2. Mam its every where flood effecting life like UP ,BIHAR,JHARKHAND etc . Mountains are full of anger washing out roads in UK,HIMACHAL,J&K,NORTH EAST ETC this is all you predicted.

  3. Yesterday plane crashed in Calicut, heavy rains and flooding and land slide in maharashtra, kerala, aasam, Karnataka. Your predictions are all right madam.?

  4. Maneeza ji… you read personal charts and if you do what is the best way to get in touch with you. Thank you for your beautiful analysis. Could you also, please predict for Australia for 2020. Jai Shree Ram

  5. I suggest a simple but powerful spirituality called nichiren Buddhism based on chanting of nam-myoho-renge-kyo, which can help fight corona and bring happiness

  6. Nothing will happen to Bharat.Don't create fear on common people who are very sensitive to astrological predictions. Pls think with your knowledge to improve the life of poor people who are suffering in covid-19 pandemic

  7. Mote than 125 people died in lightning stroke in up……..she is right something related to water…..rains……

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