Most people are in agreement that to be a good person, you need to be the kind of person who treats animals well. At least, it’s definitely true that if you’re the kind of person who messes with animals or tries to hurt them, you are definitely a pretty bad human being. But you might also be kind of stupid, because not all animals are defenceless creatures who can’t take care of themselves. Some of them will mess with you right back. From the lion who didn’t want to be on TV to the kangaroo that packs a real punch, here’s 15 Times Humans Messed With The Wrong Animals!
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A time or two I tried to help or save an animal & got bit, or playing with my dogs got bit by accident. I would never do harm to an animal. If I had to kill one to eat meat I would become, once again, a vegetarian. I was a veggie for 15 years
That chimp must be a male. And he's not fully grown yet, a juvenile. When they mature they, if mad, will bite off everything that sticks out, like your nose, ears, fingers, etc. Very DANGEROUS animals.
? don't mess with no wrong animal message lol hope all is well
Why don't humans leave these wild animals alone….live and let live.
The ? is fake punk
Good animals
17' – what a idiot, provokes the male- bison
18'10" poor mama pig
6.30" BRAVO, macaks! The jerk deserve to be punished!
obviously gorilla
People wish that was just plain spit…..
i used to annoy ants, when i was a kid, but no ant ever tried to mess with me
photo shop photo
#raretopic the gorilla probly bashed his head in………….. period
Pigs were the most dangerous creatures I ever had to deal with, and cows were among the more difficult. No our creature never took revenge, because until the day they died they never had cause and by that time its too late.
There is a saying. "When you mess with the bull. You get the horns." Don't mess with wild animals. They may seem cute and cuddly, but they will end you. The guy with the bison, taunting it, I legit was hoping would get a headbutt at least by it. I don't want anyone to die, but this dude really… really deserved a nice headbutt. What he was doing was disrespectful.
“Luckily the hunter survived”
More like UNLUCKILY.
#3 with the deer. The man's name is NOT Thomas Alexander and it didn't happen in Arkansas. The deer was NOT shot. We know the man personally. He's Lynn Chestnut from Toledo, WA. Here is his story.
You really named this video wrong….. Mostly half truths
Comment not nice.
i ones had a little fight with a pikenees dog it almost bid my finger of
If that photo is real then that poacher is probably dead unless he's stupid lucky.
#raretopic gorilla
People are so stupid, animal deserve to be treated with respect, all these people deserved there injuries
"So, chewed half his leg off, huh? Want some ice cream?"
rare topic hopefully the gorilla won
Stop-pots and pans nap
Repeating, repeating, repeating….
I bet you cry when you see deer guts on the highway
the white tailed deer was staged he covered himself with doe piss and his wife was filming as he called the buck in and for some reason it was pissed that there was no doe poon tang and layed a beating on him
chimps are evil .any creature that would bite off your nose fingers ears toes and testicles needs to be destroyed ,they are horrible in the wild to each other
hahaha i used to take care of a bunch of rams. and we had this one really old nearly blind one. and it attacked everyone and everything, including the donkeys, goats and other rams so after a while she got her own pen, separated from everyone whislt still arround them to not be lonely( there was no other way)
so almost every day we had to clean pens and feed the animals and i always took care of our crazy betsy, i swear every time u went in there it would charge u non stop X D loved that ram!
it did happen from time to time that she managed to takle u. if that happened u were gonna have a shit day and a huge headeache
Oh! The Chimp wanted his iceream. Not just any, but Hagen Dazs. It's addictive?
I don't know where you get your information for these BUT, you are incorrect on number 3. Here, this STUPID man was going to play a joke on the deer, during RUTTING SEASON, by putting female deer urine on himself and walking into the woods. I know this is TRUE cause it was my IDIOT neighbor that did this while his cousin filmed it.
The guy was not running from a gorilla. He was running from the hog behind him