Today is the 1st of August In Spain there was a major hail of the size of a golf ball. The video of a natural phenomenon hit the Web, surprising Internet users. Fortunately, none of the people were hurt. A major hail fell in the Spanish region of Ciudad Real, which is located in the autonomous region of Castile La Mancha. There were no casualties – people received a storm warning in time and managed to hide in their homes. The orange hazard level has been declared throughout the Asturias and Castile La Mancha region. The authorities managed to warn their citizens in time, so there were no human casualties. Significant damage was inflicted only on car owners. Not everyone managed to drive their cars to a safe place, and therefore those cars that were left on the street now boast dents on the roofs and hoods. Despite the fact that the worst thing is hail, which can easily injure a person, is already behind the district is pouring rain.
#spaim #hail #storm #hurricane #weather
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Climate, ecology, refugees, cycles of the Earth, how to reduce climatic disasters, how to survive for humanity. These topics were covered at the worldwide online conference "The Global Crisis. This Already Concerns Everyone."
Watch on YouTube.
I recommend…
Stones you…….Hail!!?
Kochani wyrazy głębokiego współczucia z powodu takiej tragedii do jakiej doszło u Was, bardzo współczuję i trzymam kciuki powodzenia,trzymajcie się będzie dobrze bardzo w to wierzę, pozdrawiam z całego serducha ??✋???
This has nothing to do with our father in heaven, but man made!!! The deep state is govern by aliens who want to destroy the humans' race!!!
اتصلنا خوفا على اهلنا في اسبانيا الحمد لله قالو ما في لا تلج ولا مطر ولا شيء
Acuérdense de el milagro de Garabandal, también de las plagas de Moises y también de 7 años de vacas gordas y flacas en la época de José en el antiguo Egipto
God's Judgment is coming upon this Evil world. And it's going to get worse.
Apocalypse is like 100× more I believe
Please protect your pets during such things.
Pedem sê preparar vai piorar muito isso não e nada fim dos tempos todo joelho sê prostara diante do senhor.
The ABC’s Of Salvation
Man’s first step toward salvation is godly sorrow that worketh repentance from dead works!
Admit that you are a sinner. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ that He is the Son of God born of the virgin Mary, was crucified, died, buried, and on the third day God the Father raised Him up from the dead, and that He has ascended back to God where He is ever making intercession for all. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.” (Acts 16:31)
Confess your faith. “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes to righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made to salvation.” (Romans 10:9-10)
Glad I stayed in uk. Sad for the people……….
It’s only going to get worse ???
Oh yeah this is the country that Joshua drove out of the land of Canaan better known as Utah/Yutah, the Canaanites; Hamathites; Amorites; Hittites; and Maurikanuus , that established the Moabite nations of Morocco; Algiers; Tunis; Tripolitania and The Moors of Temarica/ Amaru-Kahns.
Jika aku pergi…https://youtu.be/fVnaVFUk-p8
Hailstorm. Nothing new ?
בורא עולם מלך העולם !!!! ביאת משיח בן דוד
A una simple granizada,ya salen los fanáticos que ya está aquí el ARMAGEDON.IROS A BARRER UN DESIERTO.
الله يلطف ويستر
Beware HAARP
Where in Spain ??? This looks like I knew variant!!
Apocalypse in Spain? Man something wrong with you. Are you so scared of the normal weather conditions? First time you have seen something like this? Apocalypse yourself:)
Não vejo na televisão será verdade
Növekszik a légi forgalom! Örül!etek!
Climate change
No se supone que en Europa es verano?
от билан уйнашмелар
God bless and protect all my brothers and sisters in Spain ??
Watch Walter Veight Total Onslaught and read The Great Controversy of Ellen White and you will know that this is the work of Satan to destroy the world and read the Bible book Job. This world is going to a climate sunday service/worship= sunworship Watch the pope with al the suns and symbols. The sunday is the mark of the beast! The seal of God is the 7th Day Sabbath Day: saturday. Remember the Sabbat Day.. God knew that Christians forgotten the real Sabbath and God is calling u out of Babylon. All the churches in these world are in Babylon. All are in the council of churches. De catholic church is the mother of all churches! Watch out who you follow! They are wolfs in sheepsclothes.
And I heard another voice from heaven,saying Come out of her My people,that ye be not partakers of her sins,and that ye receive not of her plages. Revelation 18 : 4
Ez jég és nem kell hazudozni hogy elolvassam a marhasagaidat
Jjjjkajjjjja esto pasaria hace meses
Te aseguro q el dia 1 de Agosto no paso esto lo q tenemos es un calorrrrr SOFOCANTE