Corgi Are The Best – CUTEST Compilation

Corgi Are The Best - CUTEST Compilation
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Corgis were herding sheep, geese, ducks, horses, and cattle and are one of the oldest herding breed of dogs. Pembroke Welsh Corgis are closely related to Schipperkes, Keeshonds, Pomeranians, Samoyeds, Chow Chows, Norwegian Elkhounds, and Finnish Spitz.

Corgis are the cutest dogs. They’re stumpy, short, fat and adorable. This compilation is of funny and cute corgi videos. Enjoy!

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  1. I had 3 corgis. Reuben the love of my existence who passed away at 8 years old and then Puck and Romi I had since babies they also passed at 8 years old. I found out later it was the food I had been feeding them had chemicals in it that shortened their lives. Now I feed all my pets organic pet food. I miss my corgis they are the happiest little short rounds EVER and a bit naughty lol

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