Corgis were herding sheep, geese, ducks, horses, and cattle and are one of the oldest herding breed of dogs. Pembroke Welsh Corgis are closely related to Schipperkes, Keeshonds, Pomeranians, Samoyeds, Chow Chows, Norwegian Elkhounds, and Finnish Spitz.
Corgis are the cutest dogs. They’re stumpy, short, fat and adorable. This compilation is of funny and cute corgi videos. Enjoy!
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Super cute
The queen of England bred Corgis back in the 1950's
Felicitaciones primer comentario en español cual es la raza de perro
0:42 paddle paddle paddle haha they are so buoyant
Corgis are such a fantasy because they are just moving loafs with legs
Too cute now I wanna get a corgi
We have 1 and he has fluffy fur but his butt is so cute
I love how the puppy realised not to scare the hedgehog.
2:22 That dog is so patient and helpful with that kid.
So wholesome
NGL that first clip was the first time I've seen a Corgi actually doing what it's supposed to.
Who's here after reading Shigaraki backstory?
OMG so cute 😀
thanks for this video so cutie dog small fatty and adorable will use it.
These dogs are so smart and lovable ?
All Welsh Pembroke? Are you biased against the Cardigan?
Omg I have a little corgi her name is sourdough
Subscribe me for Indian dog videos
All dogs go to heaven ?
I had two growing up, and they are very sweet, and intelligent dogs. I highly recommend them in a family environment, they are great with kids.
They all are so cute!! Especially one which is put the ball close to baby.
omg this was the best thing ever.
I had 3 corgis. Reuben the love of my existence who passed away at 8 years old and then Puck and Romi I had since babies they also passed at 8 years old. I found out later it was the food I had been feeding them had chemicals in it that shortened their lives. Now I feed all my pets organic pet food. I miss my corgis they are the happiest little short rounds EVER and a bit naughty lol
man, ive always wanted a corgi. But where i am now, corgi is one of those luxury dog that cost an arm and a leg to have.
I am a huge pokemon fan and if I were to get a cute corgi I would name him/her Yamper ?
the swimming ???
corgis swimming filmed from below is killing me rn
When I saw the swimming one, I had a cheap motorboat sound effect going in my head uncontrollably!!
nice fafik
They are so stubby and cute!!!?
I could watch corgi videos all day 🙂
OMG, their stupid stubby little bodies are so cute!
Corgi so cute
anyone please tell me rate of corgi
Corgi his the best dog i have a little corgi fluffy and he have 8 month
the newborns at 3:00 are the best
Ein :'(
So cute
Only breed I'll ever own – they make you laugh everyday!!!
Thank you, you made me smile big time. The one underwater shots are great!!!
Rip Gen the corgi
Thanks for the happiness ?
Rest easy ?