Nuke’s Top 5 SCARY videos of GHOSTS , creatures, and very scary people caught on camera, and also the scariest REAL TikTok video you’ll see! So this week in “scary videos”- a security camera catches two ghosts on camera as a car swerves to miss them. A terrifying apparition is seen in the background on a random US TV show. Portuguese ghost hunters do a paranormal investigation at an old abandoned building and capture scary poltergeist activity. A man hears horrific screeching from his barn and discovers what he claims is a creature that haunts his property. Korean ghost hunter Ddoch Micol investigates a haunted house in an abandoned town . And finally- a VERY scary TikTok video!
If you liked these Nuke’s Top 5 lists, you should also check out Top 10 SCARY Ghost Videos That Will Give You The SHUDDERS! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgW69nkPEXM
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at 18:17 , is there a shadow standing in the doorway?
wel hi go na need a ambulance ,after i finished wit him
Ok seriously, what is that music track that you used on number 3? You use it in a lot of your videos. It's spooky as hell and I love it.
"Normally he would rush the door" gimme a fucking break.. all these ghost hunters pussy out EVERYTIME they get something good on camera.. they always want to find evidence and when they get so close to it they run.. keep in mind i wouldnt do this for a.million bucks but im not doing it for a living and making money off it.. if you see that black apparition go twords it.. Get a fucking carry permit and bring a gun.. donezo
Reason people watch:
Editing: 20%
Stories: 20%
Voice: 60%
If that was a ghost woman sitting in the back seat of the bait car, how small is she ???
That leviathan video is old ur reusing footage
5:48 Bruh SHE KINDA BAD?! Why she kinda thicc?
the one with the yellow door and it saying something is screaming . souded like a 3 having a tantrum
2:00 oh hell no I would turn into Usain Bolt real quick
Please get out
Wow great video ur videos are really cool!
So…. what do you think ? Asked a gazillion times……….
I think all them people can explore the places in daylight, that's what I think…… crazy ass Mofo's
Lol when the japenese guy says thump thump a music ad came and lost all the horro
I think the micol one is a group of cultists
It’ll be messed up if this whole time, these ghost hunters were being played by their fans or by homeless people that just happen to squat at the place.
Is it just me or is the 3rd one with the Korean boy in it look like he is in a very recently constructed building in some respects? Like the glass doors, the floors, exterior, all look relatively new in the last few years.
It always amazes me that people who claim to be Paranormal Investigators and/or Ghost Hunters are always so surprized and scared when they actually see paranormal activity.
Asian folks have a stereotype of less than average phallus’s, but let me tell you, those balls can knock down a building.
At 18:19 I think something is peeking around the corner of the doorway. Cuz literally a second later its not there. Could be just me but still gonna point that out
16:05 "how would you handle it?"
the first one def looks like a man who is just tryna be cool and scare ppl
In the korean video 12:31 you can see the second black figure peek-ish from the second window on the left.
So they lost control and steered right into the “kids” they saw. Wouldn’t you swerve away from anything in your way? Lol I mean I would
If I’m ghost hunting with friends I’m literally going to tell them to shut the hell up if they started screaming like this lol ?
Hes real disturbed should be in hospital knowing he can creeper around up two balconies in the air hes quite the parcore athlete scaling the face of apartment buildings
That door one you will neer convince me is real.Its easy to have faked that.
So the explorers go to creepy, abandoned location in hope to witness some paranormal activity. When they actually see or hear something they hoped for, they scream like little girls and run away…What's the point in coming there if you can't handle paranormal stuff??!! Maybe you need a different hobby, like knitting or something…
The noises in the first video sounds exactly like a clicker from The Last Of Us.
Nuke is better than Chills , videos ???
Every door in the hallway flaps in the wind.
1:42 dam clickers
when a ghost starts coming from below the door and moves up & down. you know it's not a ghost LMAO!
If he ever says: "And it goes well." I'm gonna shit my pants
That's one freshly painted, clean ass abandoned village.
If is me I shoot them things I taking my gun and I shooting
Sounds like my coworker blowing his nose in the bathroom @ 7:58.