The poor dog, there’s lots of gross stuff coming from his face
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This poor dog rescued by At-Choo Foundation:
“Meet Prof. Justin, about eight months ago.
January 30, There’s lots of gross stuff coming from his face and we must make sure that gunk goes adios with the proper meds, drainage and whatever else he needs. We know that Prof. Justin’s soul will also need healing as dogs in bad shape are not treated with the kindness they deserve.
Also, on his agenda is putting on some weight, so his ribs don’t show like they did when he was trying to survive on the kindness of strangers while he was alone on the streets.
February 1, The infection is massive and he is struggling to breathe.
Prof. Justin is now at ER Vet Playas and things are, how can this be said….. very challenging for this Professor.
The roof of his mouth has a LARGE hole with a mass coming through. possibly the same mass that is between his eyes.
There is a hole near his front teeth, which is causing a tooth to be pushed outwards. That hole is connected to his nose.
All of this is affecting his ability to breathe.
We are soooooooooooooooo glad he is getting ER care! WE LOVE HIM!
February 2, He’s survived the night and is eating! His eyes are showing happiness and his tail continues to wag! Thata boy, Prof. Justin!
February 6, There is a white dot in Prof. Justin’s x-ray – it is a pellet. From a gun. We don’t know if it was on purpose or an accident, but either way, it just adds to his list of things he has SURVIVED! Not only being on the streets alone, massive infection and who knows what else. He is an inspiration and we ADORE HIM!
What was also shown is that the bone in sweet Prof. Justin’s snout has been eaten away by the tvt cancer and everything is being held in place by the mass.
We will do 1 or 2 rounds of chemo and see who things look for our wise and glorious Professor. All while we wish for a miracle for him.
March 12, Someone likes to try to get out and Prof. Justin is that sneaky goober. He was successful, and then was attacked by another dog. He’s now back at the hospital he spent 2 weeks at. He’s bleeding, swollen and is having a hard time breathing. They took him right away upstairs and we are still waiting to hear his status. However, no news is good news, so we trust he is surviving.
March 15, He’s doing better and a lot of the swelling has gone down from being attacked by another dog. SO GOOD, Prof. Justin!!!!!!
April 2, Surprisingly, Prof. Justin was able to have surgery to work on fixing the giant hole in the roof of his mouth eaten away by TVT cancer, and the smaller holes in his mouth! Didn’t think it’d be possible, since the cancer took so much! The surgery was 3 hours and it’s not completed, but it’s a fantastic beginning for this most amazingly lovable sweetheart! Dr Diana of Vet Playas is incredible!
April 5, It was a superb try and maybe it’ll still work out? The implant in Prof. Justin’s roof of his mouth changed color and fell out. Creative minds still pondering the next move to help mr sweetie pie.
April 19, Although he will need more surgeries, his implant in the roof of his mouth was tried again and this time, it seems to be holding better! Hooray! And the other holes are healing after surgery! Yay, Prof. Justin! AKA solid sweetness and heart snatcher!
July 28, Such GREAT NEWS!!!!! Mr. Heart Stealer, so gentle and lovable, Prof. Justin IS READY FOR A RESCUE!!!!!!!!!! The TVT is GONE! This guy is so very special and it’s going to be so interesting to see who he is meant to love forever and be loved by! Rescues, get in line! Hurry!
Today, That squishy lovable face!!!!!!
We are very grateful to Romero Brenda and Patty in Mexicali for getting him off those streets and starting care for him. He’s worth everything! After all, he’s a Professor of Love!
Thank you, Erin McNamara for donating and naming him, Prof. Justin! His tail is already wagging!!” Please prayers for him and Please support At-Choo Foundation
At-Choo Foundation
Web: www.at-choofoundation.org/
Email: kindness@at-choofoundation.org
FB: www.facebook.com/atchoofoundation
Music used in video:
Cryptic Sorrow – Atlantean Twilight by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100276
Artist: incompetech.com/
See More:
– The poor dog who was found on the street with Her entire back is covered in one big mat similar to a turtle shell: youtu.be/RdoNvzwDT_w
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Thank you for watching!
All images belong to its respectful owners
No copyright infringement is intended.
#AngelsAndAnimals #DogRescue #AnimalRescue
To dla cudownych Aniołów z Animalsu i dla tego pieska by zdrowiał dostał dobry dom i opieku na dobrego.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
? https://bit.ly/3jqllmo ?プライベートr続nき?
? ❤️??? ?️????️??❤️????
ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね5). .
#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん( #笑)
#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾
Povero amore grazie
Zlatinko, neviem čo sa ti stalo, lebo neviem si to preložiť, ale ten profesor čo ťa dal do poriadku, je od pána boha génius, a z teba je kraaaaasne havko…..a v tvojom pohľade je veľa šťastia a lásky
Ich kann überhaupt nicht verstehen warum man immer so kleine zwerge aussetzt wenn sie krank sind, gerade da brauchen sie unendlich viel liebe,& fürsorge!! Ich hoffe er schafft es,& er wird wieder ganz gesund das er von ganz lieben eltern adoptiert werden kann!!???????????????????
What a great team you all are, thank you and through it all that baby kept wagging his tail ,God bless all dogs x
Thank you very very much.???????????????????????????????
What a lovely dog – some prick has done this to this beautiful boy. But he is one hell of a fighter , he wasn't ready to leave this world. He is so amazing and hoping his next owner is loving and caring after the beautiful boy. Happy for you mate you had the world from hell now you will have the world of LOVE ?
Даже без операции вылечили – профессионалы !
Thank you very very very very very much ???????♥️??
Esta precioso
Siete angeli a prendervi cura di lui grazie abbracci a tutti voi grazie
Матушка!!??? Какой он радостный?????????????????????????
Gracias por salvarle y cuidarla
Please lord help this poor baby!! Thank you for his care! Hes suffering so much.
My God, this poor baby must have suffered for so long. People must have seen him all the time and yet no one would call to get him help. That mass did not grow overnight. How could they ignore his suffering? Thank goodness someone finally got him help..I am amazed at the care he received from that wonderful vet. Many vets would have suggested euthanasia, not chemo and surgery. She treated him with the best care possible and just look at the results. Professor Justin looks like a normal puppy and so happy. Seems everyone fell in love with him and so did I I hope his forever home is soon.
Also, whomever shot this sweet boy with a pellet gun deserves punishment. I know they will never find the person but if someone knows who did it then expose them in their community.
Quedo hermoso gracias buenísima gente. Gracias
Gostei é pouco! Adorei vcs são
Demais ???????❤❤❤
What a fantastic vet angel from above. Beautiful gorgeous soul. So pleased. Thank you so very very very very much ?
Parabéns gente pelo carinho amor vcs tem alma nobreza parabéns Brasil Rio de janeiro
Hola como señora cambio bien beso con cariño y amor ellos se porne bien beso
Hola España noporgas una jaula povecito vastate tiene es docir el ella es ver buena o. Saquelo.de jaula y cure bien le supuda bruto povecito ya tiene vastate dele cariño.y amor beso.ausrtedes beso.
O que ele tem?
Hi Prof Justin ,you've gotten make it buddy and as for your veterinarian's , who have worked endlessly, to save prof Justin. ?% ???? ?
Gracias por ayudarlo
Wtf is going on ,with monstrous people, who don't deserve life, when they inflict, so much unnecessary suffering, on our innocent creatures .? ? ? ? ?
Super Doc. Arbeit?
?schönes Hund?
Danke vom Herzen den Rettern?
God bless Erin and all those people who rescued and took care of him.
Wer einem Tier solche Qualen und Schmerzen zu fügt dürfte nie wieder aus den Knast raus gelassen werden. Das Karma sollte ihm ganz schnell einholen. ???
Dios los bendiga ..
Pauvre bête mon dieu merci aux sauveurs
It is so so sad this beautiful baby has suffering so much. Thanks for the Angels rescuers and the Vet ending his suffering and gave him love and new life
Danke,Danke,Danke vielmal für ihre Hilfe,klein Angel ?????????????????⚘⚘⚘
Gracias miles por esta hermosa vida????????
???Огромное Вам спасибо за спасение помощь и заботу о ребёнке ?????♥️
Thanks Angels, that was a miracle I cried the whole time. God bless.
Hi thankyou you for helping this lovely puppy people made me sick don't care ?they should take to the vet god bless you all thankyou???????????????????????
Спасибо врачам и волонтерам, что спасли такого красавца!! Много, много лайков в поддержку канала!!!
Кто так постарался изуродовал собаку??? Что бы вас так изуродовали!!!!! Рано или поздно это свершится!!!!!