TONY is the embodiment of what we do. He is the perfect example of our conviction that we should never give up! With only partial use of one of his rear legs, he lives the life that every dog should lead as a loved family member. This video shows you everything he went through…
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Moi ma chante souffre elle est toute les semaines chez les veto toutes les piqûres antibiotiques ne la soigne pas elle souffre et moi aussi en silence on dit qu'elle a.du tartre elle ne mange plus elle a maigri des qu' elle mangé j ai l impression que ça brûle dans sa bouche elle essaie de se frotter avec ses pattes j ai trop mal mais bon si c'est dieu qui le veuxainsi je n y peux rien merci à vous
Hello que Dieu me pardonne je vous jalouse pour tout les soins que vous prodigués
He is so happy warms my heart ❤
Tony is well loved.. I'm happy for him and Thank you for the beautiful family that took him in. God Bless all of you????
Tony never gave up he had faith even though if he knew he would never be able to walk normal again. Always have faith just like brave little tony
I have adopted a podenco from Spain. She is so lovely, run very fast. But why podenco' s are so much a victime?
Try not to skip the adds as the channel will get a little money if they are watched throughout ???
This is the most story very touching in my heart in my soul i salute you sir my tears is non stop when i see this tonys story
Que Deus o abencoe Viktor, amor se tem no coracao!!!
And it warms my heart to see the animals running around misbehaving as they do best and making peoples life joyful whenever you think of those bad days where you’ve not made a difference look at all them other savings and what is what you have done and no one can take that away from you on your team I hope you and your team the very best with this virus and I think you guys are amazing all of you in physiotherapy from surgeons nurses he puts faith back in humanity as it should be showing us what we can do from his poor creatures from born on the streets and sell for cash nothing else make me a nice 10 times better by giving in the sense of enjoyment and I think you have so much andOpening peoples eyes when I see dogs being beaten cancer been starved burns dragged along I hope that the perpetrators I only hope Karma does it to them tenfold
From all the videos that you have been seen saving dogs cats so from evil humans they have no sole I would say you’re too harsh on yourself good work and your team do it’s so important especially at times with this virus and don’t forget that you have done in this world I am saving poor dogs he hit by cars
Amazing man if I had funds I'd be doing this . I think you so much for you service . God bless
Aww he was so happy that he was almost crying when his mom was loving on him. Humans don't deserve these perfect creatures but thank God we have them
Tony has much more courage than most humans