Entre mas avanza la tecnologia mas imbeciles al volante
Are there non-idiots driving BMWs ?
Or rather bmw with idiots
omg this is hilarious i know
Luckily only 2 e34s had to die
I dont understand how someone can be so fucking retarded and have cash for BMW?
7:59 probably seeing a chiropractor once a week for life now
This accurately shows what most BMW drivers are like! Lol
Bruh was INCHES from smashing into a baldy damn ROLLS ROYCE @ 01:38 BUUUT instead he crashed into ANOTHER BMW ! Lmao
How to get your drivers license 1. Buy a BMW 2. Complete the test 3. LITERRALY DESTROY YOUR CAR
Russia is a shithole
6:00 .. Ich liebe es wenn sich solche arroganten überheblichen Gewaltdrängler unglücklich machen. Das die Russen kein Auto fahren können ist Weltbekannt aber wenn es Deutsche mit der Weltbesten PKW-Ausbildung genauso tun, dann soll es bitte sehr teuer werden.
It’s not about the BMW. It’s only about idiots. And idiots are everywhere.
pojeby ludzkie
Stupid Russians
this is not "idiots with bmw" but russian idiots
the only bad thing about these is no one died…. dumb fucks like these deserve nothng short of death… pieces of shit
BMW,MERCEDES and AUDI syndrome !!!
russians with bmw's **
They are the stupidest drivers I bet I can drive better then them and I'm 14
Idiots ..? It's russia man – drunken 'people'
this beep killed my ears
Typical bmw drivers
Entre mas avanza la tecnologia mas imbeciles al volante
Are there non-idiots driving BMWs ?
Or rather bmw with idiots
omg this is hilarious i know
Luckily only 2 e34s had to die
I dont understand how someone can be so fucking retarded and have cash for BMW?
7:59 probably seeing a chiropractor once a week for life now
This accurately shows what most BMW drivers are like! Lol
Bruh was INCHES from smashing into a baldy damn ROLLS ROYCE @ 01:38 BUUUT instead he crashed into ANOTHER BMW ! Lmao
How to get your drivers license
1. Buy a BMW
2. Complete the test
Russia is a shithole
6:00 .. Ich liebe es wenn sich solche arroganten überheblichen Gewaltdrängler unglücklich machen. Das die Russen kein Auto fahren können ist Weltbekannt aber wenn es Deutsche mit der Weltbesten PKW-Ausbildung genauso tun, dann soll es bitte sehr teuer werden.
It’s not about the BMW. It’s only about idiots. And idiots are everywhere.
pojeby ludzkie
Stupid Russians
this is not "idiots with bmw" but russian idiots
the only bad thing about these is no one died…. dumb fucks like these deserve nothng short of death… pieces of shit
BMW,MERCEDES and AUDI syndrome !!!
russians with bmw's **
They are the stupidest drivers I bet I can drive better then them and I'm 14