We found a street dog terribly injured and unable to stand on the side of the road near a gutter. Flies were swarming around an enormous wound on his backside. His wound slowly healed but we didn’t know if he would ever be able to walk again.
Watch Sydney’s story and please donate to help save injured animals in India : http://www.animalaidunlimited.org/how-to-help/donate
Another beautiful story! So proud of all of you!!!!!!!! Keep up the wonderful and selfless acts of unbelievable kindness!!!! ???
Insano se zayada to janwer hi achy ha
If there is anything hell on Earth it is the religion Hindu.
Great job.. Hats off
Thank you very much ❤❤❤???????
good job brother
India worst people. They have no heart . They just walking by instead of helping injured animals.
Oh! I am cry. God bless you!!!
Can I adopt
Good job
Great job guys …..??????????????
votre dévouement, vos soins et votre AMOUR des animaux ,font que ces bêtes lâchement abandonnés se remettent et prennent goût à la vie !! merci …
Excellent work
Good work
Impressionante esse trabalho…Jesus Cristo abençoe
आप लोग फोन नम्बर भी लिखा किजिए आप का
You are real goad❣️