Price Tag of Natural Disasters

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The volatile year of 2020 continues to bring uncertainty as natural disasters ravage the United States, bringing with them a major price tag. We take a look at the growing list of catastrophes facing the nation and the economic impact that they have had.

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About the Author: RT America


  1. RT, what about the 100 + years of government patents on weather modification/warfare, that has caused all these UNnatural disasters!? Try making a more precise report after you do some research, Please! Otherwise, you are pushing propaganda like the rest of the mainstream media!

  2. It's not a price tag, it's an economic boom. I call it the disaster economy… Because that's the only thing preventing it from collapsing. Lodging sales increase, gas sales, preparedness items, building materials, first responders increased salary, news ratings, advertising, etc.. It's a massive lift for the regional economies.

  3. USA has printed 3.79 trillions since February this year…. for themselves.
    The world reserve currency prints lost of money for themselves while sanctioning everyone-else that doesn't conform.
    It's time to drop the $USD altogether. Go back to gold, let the wackos of america grow poor as they're doing to the world.

  4. Mr Gavin is a FRAUD! HE is currently signing fracking laws to increase fracking in Cali. Mr. CON MAN is also chagning state laws on water shed laws to allow more BUILDING laying concrete in the woods. THIS GUY IS A CON MAN!

  5. It may be a misuse of "Natural Disasters" in the Title when scientists do not get wealthy if we change our ways but the fossil fuel economy LOSES money if we change our ways. Yes: Climate Change.

  6. The link to climate change for these fires claim has already been shown to have no basis in evidence. The national inter-agency fire center that has been tracking fires for decades shows this year is not even near the worst, nor is there an upward trend. over time. The 1940s and 1950s were far worse than now. The number of deaths due to natural disasters in the world (much less the US) has plummeted from the early 1900s. Using costs to make a severity comparison from a particular year is very misleading unless it has been corrected for inflation and location of occurrence. A fire in a populated residential area is far more expensive than the same size fire in an unpopulated area. The increase in $$ value does not mean the world is warming.

  7. And we all know who token this this money… the multi billionaires ..
    See what's happened with the money for the earthquake victems at Haiti …
    Mostly of this money is stolen by the Clinton foundation….

  8. Usa government do something bad to others nations and their homeland, this is the payback from God. Interrupt others country peace so God's mother nature made you the same.

  9. Bless the free and kind American people .Bless land of freedom USA.
    I am from China, My dream is to reach 10k , I been struggling to get there.

  10. Newsom is a crook with an agenda- the fires are not from climate change – they are planned fires – DEW, lasers, flammable aluminum nanochips from chemtrails for years, The fires are not an accident…

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